SED214 List of eExam Questions in the Bank

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Q1 Where pupils in a particular grade occupy one class and are taught by one or more teachers is described as

Q2 A series of activities purposely designed to measure learners abilities is termed

Q3 Laboratory assistants are regarded as staff

Q4 An expired filament bulb opened up at the head with water put into the empty bulb acts as a

Q5 Binding wire or short fresh wood split into Y-shape could be used as

Q6 Water tap and bunsen burners are referred to as

Q7 Desks, benches and tables usually constitute the _in the classrooms

Q8 Resources for the teaching of Integrated Science can be material resources or resources

Q9 The positively charged particle emitted in radioactivity is called particle

Q10 The negatively charged particle emitted in radioactivity is called particle

Q11 Radioactivity is of two types: natural and

Q12 Factors that affect melting and evaporation are heat, size and shape, moving air and

Q13 Students given free hand to search for problems of special interests and find solutions to them are engagesd in method

Q14 Presentatipon of concepts from various points of view, with the teacher acting as the moderator is called method

Q15 Discovery and methods can be guided or unguided, inductive or deductive

Q16 Demonstration is a way of acquisition of

Q17 In lecture or talk and chalk or expository method, learners are mostly

Q18 The teaching of Integrated Science in schools is to be taught using child-centred approach and method

Q19 In science, there are various approaches, strategies and used for teaching

Q20 domain deals with value, beliefs, attitudes, interests, social relations, emotional judgment, habit and life styles

Q21 Manipulative skills and skills that demand the use of the body are called domain.

Q22 Bloom's taxonomy of educaional objectives are in number.

Q23 There are three of knowledge in lesson objectives

Q24 A detailed day-to-day learning activity is called

Q25 An overall schematic representative of a lesson which covers a period of time which may be weekly or monthly is called

Q26 A scheme of work is drawn up to facilitate the coverage of

Q27 A guide to academic work designed for a particular level of learners in a given period usually, for a year or in a term is called

Q28 The four Components of a curriculum are Objectives, content, evsluation and

Q29 A progrmme, designed to provide planned and guided learning experience to a particular group is called

Q30 In the work of the scientist, the result gotten and the generalization made are held as truth

Q31 In explaining a phenomenon, parsimony requires that the least complex or accurate _is usually taken.

Q32 Empiricism requires that products of science such as laws, results, conclusions, theories etc were arrived at based on

Q33 Scientists carry out investigations in science without personal bias or

Q34 Integrated science avoids duplication of

Q35 In General Science, individual subjects can be identified in

Q36 The nature, philosophy and objectives of Integrated Science is stated in the Curriculum Development Newsletter Nunmer

Q37 Integrated Science covers all areas of science cutting across subject

Q38 Integrated Science is about fundamental of scientific thoughts.

Q39 Three types of skills that the learners can acquire in Integrated Science are Prtocess, Manipulative and .

Q40 The new science curricula were result oriented rather than just facts, theories and laws of Science

Q41 The Nuffield Curriculum Projects were developed in the

Q42 Chemical Bond was also the name of a curriculum for science.

Q43 One of the resulting curricula is the Biological Science Curriculum

Q44 The launching of the Russian Sputnik in 1957 led to the overhaul of science curicula in __.

Q45 One of the earliest formal science education curriculum in Nigeria was called

Q46 Changes in the Science Curriculum over time in order to make it better for easy implementation is called

Q47 NISP in full is Nigerian Integrated Science Project

Q48 The committees were set up to review and revise the existing Science and Mathematics

Q49 The number of committees set up by STAN is

Q50 Coomittees set up by STAN are called

Q51 The revision and improvement of the Science Syllabuses WASC and (HSC) in Nigeria was due to the problem of

Q52 The 3 levels of basic education in Nigeria are Lower, Middle and

Q53 Basic Science is currently taught at primary Schools and

Q54 Self=-directed learning is also known as learning

Q55 The nomenclature of Integrated Science changed to Basic Science in the year

Q56 Nigeria system of education which came into effect fully in the early 1980s is called

Q57 Integrated Science came into the scene in Nigeria in

Q58 The science in existence in Nigeria when herbs were used for food, medicine, dyes and poison for hunting games was

Q59 Integrated Science was an idea.

Q60 The launching of Sputnik into space was by

Q61 Demerits of multiple choice objective test include

Q62 The merits of essay tests are ALL EXCEPT

Q63 When pupils differ in their number, ages and ability but are taught by one teacher in one classroom, that is referred to as

Q64 When the pupils themselves take independent steps to help themselves through learning tasks, rather than relying on the teacher, they engage in

Q65 An Example of Self Directed Learning techniques is

Q66 New themes infused into the Integrated science curriculum include

Q67 Curiosity, objectivity, open-mindedness, honesty and humility are

Q68 Themes used for development of learning experiences in Integrated Science include ALL EXCEPT

Q69 Course taught towards the realization of certain definite learning outcomes is associated with

Q70 “To continue the process of science concept building for acquiring science vocabulary, not only by definition but by experience” is an objective of

Q71 “Equipping students to live effectively in the modern age of science and technology” is an objective of

Q72 Khabele pointed out that the course, Integrated science is

Q73 Howell’s definition of Integrated Science shows that the course

Q74 D’Arbon presents Integrated Science as ALL EXCEPT

Q75 Integrated Science as a discipline covers the following aspects EXCEPT

Q76 Relating, cooperating and sharing are

Q77 Drawing, cutting, coupling, dissecting, fitting equipments, painting and fixing are

Q78 Recording, reporting, analyzing and predicting are

Q79 Observing, measuring, collecting and sorting are

Q80 Types of skills that the learners can acquire through the NISP are ALL EXCEPT

Q81 With the introduction of the 6-3-3-4 system of education in the 80s, Integrated Science was taught at the

Q82 Of the 5-year secondary school programme then, Integrated Science used to be taught at the

Q83 Integrated Science was introduced into the school curriculum in

Q84 Science at the primary school and up to the school leaving certificate level emerged in the

Q85 The early history of science teaching in primary schools featured ALL EXCEPT

Q86 The informal system of education began to give way to modern science in the

Q87 The blacksmith is indigenous

Q88 The local method for the production of dyes, gin, black soap and herbal drinks is likened to the present day

Q89 Other aspects of issues taught in the informal system of education does not include

Q90 Knowledge transfer in the informal education system involves ALL BUT

Q91 The practice of the informal system of education has ALL EXCEPT

Q92 Informal education in Nigeria had distinct

Q93 Informal education in Nigeria is associated with ALL EXCEPT

Q94 Science came into Nigeria with

Q95 The evolution which followed the launching of the Sputnik was evident in ALL EXCEPT

Q96 The launching of the Sputnik led to the introduction of

Q97 Sputnik was launched in the year

Q98 The launching of Sputnik into space was by

Q99 Efforts at revising the WASC and HSC curricula in Nigeria begun in the year:

Q100 The search for innovative science teaching techniques in Nigeria was initiated by

Q101 Strategies recommended in the NISP are ALL BUT

Q102 The approach suggested in the NISP document is the

Q103 The NISP listed observation, reporting, generalization and prediction as

Q104 Effective Integrated science teaching has to achieve ALL EXCEPT

Q105 Integration in science provides for a course which

Q106 Strategies inherent in the curriculum reforms across the globe allow for ALL EXCEPT

Q107 The Nuffield Curriculum Projects were developed in the

Q108 Reforms which followed the launching of Sputnik led to which of the following initiative(s) in the U.S.A?

Q109 The Nigerian Integrated Science Project, NISP was initiated in Ibadan in

Q110 The evolution of Nature Study in Nigeria follow the trend

Q111 The objectives of studying nature include ALL EXCEPT

Q112 The purpose of studying nature in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries as expressed by science educators across the world include ALL EXCEPT

Q113 One of the earliest formal science education curriculum is called

Q114 Changes in the Science Curriculum over time in order to make it better for easy implementation are called

Q115 Terms of the National Executive Committee(s) include ALL EXCEPT

Q116 In response to the call for revision, STAN set up _____

Q117 The revision and improvement of the Science Syllabuses for WASC and HSC in Nigeria was precipitatedby

Q118 The first 9 years of the 9-3-4 system is known as

Q119 In the present 9-3-4 system of education, the subject formerly known as Integrated science is taught at the

Q120 In 2009, the nomenclature of Integrated science changed to