SED211 List of eExam Questions in the Bank

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Q1 are used to measure the progress of individual children in literacy, numeracy and life skills and to provide further assistance to the child’

Q2 Continuous assessment is designed to give overall, all-round of pupils not only comprehensively but also cumulatively.

Q3 Educational activities in school are directed to enhance development of the students we teach

Q4 In the process of our teaching, we ask questions at various stages to monitor students learning. This is assessment

Q5 Integrated Science Teaching and Learning process can be assessed in ways.

Q6 Fruitful interactions between the Integrated Science teacher and his pupils brings out

Q7 is a systematic collection of evidence to determine whether or not changes are taking place and the levels of such changes in the learner.

Q8 When numbers are assigned to observations on traits and behaviours, the process is described as

Q9 The quietness of a pupil or his co-operativeness can merely be assessed using terms

Q10 The extent of manifestations of traits expected to be brought about in a pupil following a learning process may be expressed in form

Q11 Assessment is a process of finding out the extent to which a learning objective has been achieved after

Q12 In selecting candidates into space Science test is most applicable

Q13 The encouragement of practical projects, dramatization and demonstration is a way of promoting achievement

Q14 Interviews, questionaires and anecdotic records are used to measure domain in Integrated Science

Q15 Preparing the necessary marking scheme for scoring is a process involved in

Q16 In the Nigerian context, the review of educational programmes is done after an interval of years

Q17 Non obligatory records are kept by the

Q18 Poor records of students activities in the school can lead to action

Q19 Visitors’ book is normally kept in the office

Q20 School records are those documents kept by the __, and

Q21 Proper is one of main challenges facing continous assessment in Nigeria educational system

Q22 The nature of continous assessment can be seen in the recording of pupils performance

Q23 Data from continous assessment is to the learner

Q24 It is expected that the content of curriculum be evaluated every years

Q25 The is one of the factors that influence the quality of educational programme

Q26 Curriculum is mainly given via the agencies

Q27 When an instrument is given to other experts to vet, this is called

Q28 Assesment should not only be reliable and valid but also be

Q29 is one of the efforts to be made to improve the teacher made test

Q30 On the table of specification, behaviour is captured on the side.

Q31 The table of specification is a two dimensional

Q32 Table of specification can also be called

Q33 test has the advantage of measuring the application of facts/knowledge

Q34 test measures what pupils have learned after a given instruction

Q35 "compare"has a direct bearing with the level of cognition

Q36 "judge" has a direct bearing with the level of cognition

Q37 "create" has a direct bearing with the level of cognition

Q38 should be used in stating objectives

Q39 is the simplest in the hierarchical order of cognitive level of education

Q40 __is the most advanced in the hierarchical order of cognitive level of education

Q41 appreciate is not a verb in stating objectives

Q42 The affective domain are best assessed using the scales

Q43 The psychomotor domain can be assessed using test

Q44 The cognitive domain are best assessed using the test

Q45 In summative evaluation, students answer tests and examination at the of semester

Q46 Teaching /learning is a process because it involves , and

Q47 is the process of assigning numbers to observations on traits and behavior

Q48 A difference between assessment and evaluation is that assessment is than evaluation

Q49 The main focus of assessment is the expression of __, and learning

Q50 enables the curriculum planners see if the designed curriculum is achieving its objectives

Q51 Curriculum are said to be designed for

Q52 test is used to foretell the future performance of a student

Q53 test measure how much of the content of the course students attain

Q54 test can be used to stream classes to high, medium and low achievers

Q55 Taxonomy of educational objectives was the hand work of

Q56 objective is not usually measured by the teacher?

Q57 is not an important factors in judging the qualities of a good test

Q58 The teaching of Integrated Science has to be __, and to ensure cost effectiveness.

Q59 Evaluation can be considered as the judgment

Q60 It is necessary from time-to-time to monitor educational activities in the light of set out

Q61 Records that are not necessarily required by law are called following except

Q62 In item writing the following are involved except

Q63 In planning a test, it involves the following except

Q64 Which of the following is not a step in constructing a test?

Q65 Which of the following records is kept by the principal?

Q66 Maintenance of school records can be done through the following ways except

Q67 All are functions of school records except

Q68 Which of the following records shows what was covered and time/date of coverage in integrated science subject?

Q69 Which of the following records is not kept by the classroom teacher?

Q70 Non obligatory records are kept by the

Q71 Statutory records are records kept by the

Q72 In most cases school record can be classified broadly into

Q73 Which of the following is not a good attribute of a good record?

Q74 Inflicted injuries sustained by the learner during school hours can be saved by the following record

Q75 Education laws in Nigeria demand that certain school records must be kept in

Q76 School record on students should be confidential to the following except

Q77 Which of the following is not a factor in record keeping in schools?

Q78 As a classroom teacher all academic records of pupils must be accurately recorded and recorded as each child has

Q79 In the Nigerian context, the review of educational programmes is done after an interval of

Q80 Evaluation of instructional materials is necessary in other to

Q81 Which of the instructional strategies yields better performance?

Q82 The pertinence of the teacher can be evaluated through all of these except

Q83 It is expected that the content of curriculum be evaluated every

Q84 Of all the factors that influence the quality of educational programme is

Q85 Curriculum is mainly given via one of the following agencies

Q86 Which of the following is not a component of curriculum?

Q87 All are aspects of validating an instrument except

Q88 A test is said to reliable when

Q89 By validating of test instrument, it means it’s taken to the following except

Q90 In the provision of options for objective test in integrated science, teacher should;

Q91 Which of the following is not a factor to consider when preparing a marking scheme in integrated science?

Q92 The following guidelines are suggested for the integrated science teacher while constructing easy tests

Q93 All are shortcomings of easy tests except

Q94 Easy tests have several advantages except

Q95 All are guidelines to constructing easy except

Q96 Which of the following features are not common to easy tests?

Q97 The following are varieties of objectives test except

Q98 All are shortcomings of objective test except

Q99 The following are the merits of objective test

Q100 All are characteristics of objective test except

Q101 Which of the following guidelines of test construction can be least considered

Q102 The cognitive domain can be classified into

Q103 The following are steps involved in construction of table of specification except

Q104 Which of the following words has more direct bearing with synthesis level of cognition?

Q105 Which of the following words cannot be associated to application level of cognition?

Q106 In the hierarchical order of cognitive level of education, the simplest is

Q107 In the hierarchical order of cognitive level of education, the most advanced is

Q108 Circle the one that is not correct in the following options

Q109 Which of the following statement is not correct in the options provided?

Q110 All the following are measurable verbs in stating objectives except

Q111 All of the following are conditions for writing behavioral objectives except

Q112 Which of the following is not available tool to assess behaviors in the three domain?

Q113 The selections into profession such as military, artisans, piloting, and space science can best be done through

Q114 A science education teacher who encourages practical projects, dramatization and demonstration is promoting

Q115 Which of the domain deals with hands /eye hand co-ordination and manual dexterity?

Q116 One of these traits are not used to measure cognitive domain in integrated science

Q117 All tools can be used to assess the cognitive domain except

Q118 Which of the examination is not controlled by external body?

Q119 The process of vetting a test instrument by an expert can be called

Q120 Data from continuous assessment is usually