Q1 Aqueous humour is produced by a capillary network within the Cilliary body at a rate of about _/day.
Q2 The _is a spherical fluid filled structure about 2.5cm diameter enclosed by three layers of tissue.
Q3 _is characterized by its pitch (tone), intensity (loudness) and timbre (quality).
Q4 The small space at the end of the cochlear duct (apex of the cochlea) is called the Located where the scala vestibule and tympani meet.
Q5 The
_is a thin layer of fibrous tissue continuous externally with skin and
internally with mucous membrane that lines the middle ear
Q6 _refers to diminished olfactory sensitivity while dysosmia refers to distorted sense of smell.
Q7 To smell a substance it must be
Q8 There are about __million bipolar olfactory receptors in humans, each surrounded by sustentacular cells.
Q9 Olfactory cells are located high in the __of the nasal cavity.
Q10 Sour tastes are usually due to _in the food as in acids.
Q11 The photoreceptors in the eye are sensitive only to wavelengths between nanometers (nm: billionth of a meter
Q12 takes place as light passes through both surfaces of the cornea.
Q13 The orbitory muscle of the iris contracts the pupils. True or False
Q14 It is a thin muscular layer that is seen as a coloured part of the eyeball -
Q15 The raised intraocular pressure of the eye is known as
Q16 The posterior cavity of the lens and retina contains a semi-fluid,
jellylike substance called the vitreous humour. True or False
Q17 The innermost coat under the choroid is the _which has an outer pigment layer
Q18 The _are extremely sensitive to light and are the receptors for night vision.
Q19 The point on the retina at which the optic nerve leaves and through which blood vessels enter is the
Q20 Axons of the cells join together to form the optic nerve that leaves the retina
Q21 The anterior cavity between the cornea and lens contains a clear watery fluid called the humour.
Q22 The neurons of the retina of the eye are four types one of which is the cells
Q23 is a condition in which the curvature of the cornea and/or lens is significantly not uniform symmetrical
Q24 is when light passes from a medium of one density into medium of a different density
Q25 Ossicles of the middle ear are called
Q26 The external auditory canal (meatus) is a slightly curved canal
extending 2.5cm from the floor of the concha to the tympanic membrane.
True OR False
Q27 There are about 22,500 hair cells and about 30,000 neurons and fibres in the cochlear nerve. True OR False
Q28 The three phase conduction system is estimated to work at transmission efficiency.
Q29 The invisible light is only a small portion of the electro-magnetic spectrum of the eye. True or False
is a condition associated with loss of accommodation that occurs as a
result of progressive loss of the elastic quality of the lens.
Q31 __is a condition in which the curvature of the cornea and/or lens is significantly not uniform or symmetrical.
Q32 _Is referred to as long sightedness
Q33 _Is referred to as short sightedness.
Q34 Visual acuity is the degree to which the details and contours of objects is measured by charts
Q35 Images from an object less than 6cm away would normally be focused behind the retina. True or False _?
Q36 __is the ability to adjust the strength of the lens so that both near and far sources can be focused on the retina
Q37 The refractive index of the aqueous humour __-
Q38 There are about cones in the fovea providing input to the ganglions of the eye
Q39 __are less sensitive to light but provide colour vision and greater visual acuity
Q40 Rods contain only one photo pigment is called
Q41 Each eye contains about __million rods which are located in most areas of the retina except the fovea and the blindspot
Q42 Sound is characterized by its
Q43 The small space at the end of the cochlear duct (apex of the cochlea) of the ear is called the
Q44 _is attached to a ring of bone that vibrates in response to sound waves
Q45 Impulses of sensory receptors from coetaneous for touch and pressure are also required for oscillation
Q46 Vestibular is one of the symptoms of an inner ear disease called Meniere’s disease.
Q47 The loss of equilibrium in a person is referred to as
Q48 The vestibular functions supplemented by proprioceptive inputs from the muscles and joints is the
Q49 The vestibular apparatus provides information essential for movement
Q50 The receptor region of the utricle and saccule of the ear is called the
Q51 The cells for hearing are innervated by the cochlear branch of the cranial nerve
Q52 Organ of _is a spiral and sensory organ of the cochlea .
Q53 The outer supporting layer consists of the tough outer layer of connective tissue that covers the eyeball is called the
Q54 The human eyeball is a spherical fluid filled structure about diameter enclosed by three layers of tissue
Q55 Otoliths have greater density than
Q56 The mechanism of static equilibrium response depends on the difference in density between the Otoliths and the
Q57 The main components of the vestibular apparatus of the ear are the of the membranous labyrinth.
Q58 Conductive deafness can be caused by wax or foreign body in the __ear
Q59 sound discrimination depends on the shape and properties of the basilar membrane
Q60 Impulses for sense of taste are however carried in branches of three different cranial nerves one of which is the
Q61 The central nervous system is composed of the brain and____?
Q62 Patients with Parkinsons disease are given____?
Q63 Drugs that alter neurotransmitter functions are called____?
Q64 An amine neurotransmitter that exists commonly
and in high concentrations in terminal buttons of cholinergic neurons is
Q65 Which respiration is a common daily activity in skeletal muscles and does not harm the tissue____?
Q66 The somatic nervous system is that part of the motor division that supply____muscles?
Q67 Blushing, fainting, racing heart, cold sweats are examples of____ reactions?
Q68 A drug that blocks the action of a neurotransmitter is said to be an____?