Q1 Antibiotics that occur naturally as substances from the mould Cephalosporium are called .
Q2 Microorganisms that obtain energy from oxidation of chemical compounds are called _.
Q3 Microorganisms that use light energy are called __.
Q4 Microorganisms that use organic molecules as their source of carbon are called __.
Q5 Microorganisms that use CO2 as their primary source of carbon are called .
Q6 Viruses can exist in two phases; and intracellular.
Q7 They are genetic elements that only reproduce when present within living cells called cells.
Q8 The female sex organelle of fungi is called the .
Q9 Some yeasts are facultatively anaerobic and can obtain their energy by _.
Q10 The male sex organelle of fungi is called the .
Q11 The sex organelles of fungi if present are called _.
Q12 Yeast reproduces asexually by .
Q13 Some fungi are inhabiting and infecting living hosts either plants or animals.
Q14 Some fungi are living primarily in fresh water.
Q15 Fungi generally reproduce both and asexually.
Q16 Fungi have no __.
Q17 Fungi are spore bearing organisms.
Q18 Bacteria are single celled organisms that lack membrane-bound organelles.
Q19 Strict cannot tolerate oxygen.
Q20 Based on the source of carbon which is the major source of
nutrient for all cells bacteria can be classified as heterotrophs and __.
Q21 Bacteria that obtain their energy by oxidizing inorganic or organic – chemical compounds are called __.
Q22 Bacteria that use light energy as their energy sources are called __.
Q23 The is metabolically dormant form which under appropriate condition can germinate to form a vegetative cell.
Q24 The DNA is circular and bears the of the cell.
Q25 The cell material is bounded by the cytoplasmic __.
Q26 The provides structural rigidity and forms barrier against the outside environment.
Q27 Capsules are usually for identification.
Q28 Viscous substance forming a covering layer or envelope around the cell wall of some bacteria is called _.
Q29 Pili are also called __.
Q30 Lophotrichous is a of polar flagella.
Q31 Hair like, helical appendages that protrude through the cell wall is called _.
Q32 Helical, flexible, coiled arrangements of micro-organisms are called _.
Q33 Staphylococci in clusters like a bunch of grapes.
Q34 Bacteria have high surface ratio which results in a high growth and metabolism rate.
Q35 Biological warfare is also known as warfare.
Q36 Cholera caused by a bacteria __.
Q37 Malaria caused by four species of the Protozoa called __.
Q38 Microorganisms can be used to clean up pollution created by human activities in a process called .
Q39 Lactic acid is produced by different lactic acid bacteria for example, delbrueckii.
Q40 acid produced by Aspergillus niger.
Q41 Gluconic acid can be produced by several including Penicillium and Aspergillus species.
Q42 is produced by various species of Clostridium and Ashbya gossypii.
Q43 Streptomyces, Pseudomonas denitrificans and Propionibacterium shermanni can produce vitamin __.
Q44 Vaccines are produced using microorganisms with the properties to elicit a primary immune response.
Q45 Steroids regulate various aspects of human metabolisms and are produced by organisms such .
Q46 Microbially produced substances or substances synthetically
derived from natural sources that inhibit or kill microorganisms are __.
Q47 Microorganisms used as direct source of food known as cell protein.
Q48 Wine fermented from fruits uses strains Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Q49 Microorganisms are used to produce alcoholic beverages such as beer by conversion of to alcohol and carbon dioxide.
Q50 Fermentation products include and lactic acid.
Q51 Electron microscopes use a beam of electrons to and create magnified images of specimens.
Q52 The acid-alcohol will remove the red stain form bacteria such as .
Q53 Acid-alcohol is used as a acid fast staining procedure.
Q54 The acid fast staining procedure uses the red stain and carbol fuchsin as stain.
Q55 The pathogen responsible for leprosy is _.
Q56 The pathogen responsible for tuberculosis is _.
Q57 A differential staining procedure commonly used to identify
Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Mycobacterium leprae is called staining.
Q58 Gram bacteria retain the crystal violet and appear deep violet in colour.
Q59 The staining procedure that usually involves more than one dye to
make visible the differences between bacterial cells or part of a
bacterial cell is called __staining.
Q60 Basic dyes such as crystal violet, methylene blue, and carbolfuchsin are used in staining.
Q61 The specie of hookworm capable of causing intestinal infection in human being is ____________.
Q62 Roundworm infections of the ___________ constitute the largest group of helminthic diseases in humans.
Q63 Nematode infections in humans include all but _________________.
Q64 Nematodes are usually ___________.
Q65 The sub-stage ____________ focuses a core of light on the slide.
Q66 The ___________ is positioned about halfway up the arm and hold microscope slides by slide.
Q67 The fine and coarse adjustment knobs are located on the __________.
Q68 The light source of a microscope is either a __________ or an electric illuminator.
Q69 A light source of a microscope is located at the _____________.
Q70 The microscope consists of a sturdy metal body or ___________.
Q71 The magnified image formed by the ___________ lens of a microscope.
Q72 Traditional microscopes are ____________ microscopes.
Q73 Modern microscopes are ____________ microscopes.
Q74 The ordinary microscope forms a dark image against a ___________ background.
Q75 The ordinary microscope is called a _____________ microscope.
Q76 The most commonly used fluorescence microscope light is ______________ microscope.
Q77 The __________________ microscope exposes a specimen to ultraviolet, violet or blue light.
Q78 The ______________ microscope is very useful for studying microbial motility.
Q79 The _________________ microscope is useful in revealing many internal structures in larger eukaryotic microorganisms.
Q80 The study of prospect for deposits of coal, oil
and gas and recovery of minerals from low-grade ores is ______________
Q81 Exomicrobiology deals with exploration for life in _____________.
Q82 Dissemination of diseases in the air, contamination and spoilage is _________________microbiology.
Q83 Food and __________ microbiology deals with the
methods of preventing microbial spoilage of food and the transmission of
food-borne diseases.
Q84 The study of practical health problem such as the
nature and treatment of allergies auto-immune diseases like rheumatoid
arthritis is _________________.
Q85 The identification and the control of the spread of communicable diseases is ______________ microbiology.
Q86 Aquatic and ___________ microbiology deals with microbial processes in lakes, rivers, and the oceans.
Q87 The production of hormones and proteins by
genetically engineered microorganism is in the field of
____________________ microbiology.
Q88 The study of microbial processes in the soil to promote plant growth is ____________ Microbiology.
Q89 The study of the causative agents of diseases,
diagnostic procedures for identification of the causative agents and
preventive measures is __________________ Microbiology.
Q90 The discovery of microbial enzymes and the chemical reactions they carry out is ______________.
Q91 Microbial _____________ is the study of the classification of microorganisms or the grouping of microorganisms.
Q92 Microbial __________ is the study of microorganisms in their natural environment.
Q93 Microbial ____________ studies of the nutrients
that microorganisms require for metabolism and growth and the products
that they make from nutrients.
Q94 Microbial ___________ studies the structures of microbial cells.
Q95 A branch of protozoology called _____________ deals exclusively with the parasite or disease producing organisms.
Q96 Protozoology is the study of __________.
Q97 Algology is the study of _____________.
Q98 Mycology is the study of ___________.
Q99 The study of bacteria is _____________________.
Q100 Edward Jenner used a vaccination procedure to protect individuals from __________.
Q101 An effective sterilization method which involve
holding juices and milk at 62.8OC (145OF) for 30 minutes known as
Q102 __________________ was the first to grow bacteria on solid culture media to get pure culture.
Q103 The relationship between Bacillus anthracis and the disease it causes, anthrax was established by ___________________.
Q104 _________________ is known as the father of bacteriology.
Q105 An English mathematician and natural historian
that first to make a known description of microorganisms is
Q106 Protozoa are unicellular, eukaryotic organisms that are usually __________.
Q107 The primary producers in food chains in aquatic habitat are ___________.
Q108 Algae produce about ________ of the plant’s oxygen.
Q109 Algae are simple organisms, mostly ___________.
Q110 The major groups of microorganism in domain Eucarya are protists and ___________.
Q111 Domain Archaea was formerly known as ________________.
Q112 Prokaryotic cells are single celled organisms which lack _______ bound nucleus and organelles.
Q113 Based on cell type and mode of nutrition, there are ______ kingdom system of classifying organisms.
Q114 __________ cells possess a membrane-bound nucleus and organelles.
Q115 The _________________ microorganisms are visible without magnification.
Q116 Organisms having more than one cell are called ________________.
Q117 In _____________ organisms all the life processes are performed by a single cell.
Q118 The ________ is the fundamental unit of life.
Q119 Microorganism entities at the borderline of life that are called _________.
Q120 Escherichia coli that are found in the ________ alimentary canal are harmless.