MAC111 List of eExam Questions in the Bank

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Q1 Analysis can be defined as the process of extracting from facts observed.

Q2 Propagation of violence and is one of the negative impact of the television in mass communication.

Q3 successfully transmitted electromagnetic waves without any form of conduit.

Q4 was modified into multi step flow.

Q5 While communication defines our culture, culture defines _.

Q6 One of the advantages of oral communication is it is a learnable and improvable human activity. YES/NO

Q7 The British Psychologist _proposed the play theory dividing man’s activity into work and play.

Q8 The basic components of interpersonal communication are Sender, Feedback, Receiver and

Q9 The theory states that media messages pass through opinion leaders to opinion followers.

Q10 Without _, transaction of business and trade cannot take place.

Q11 communication is a form of communication that occurs among a small number of people for the purpose of solving problems.

Q12 The function of the press gives the mass media the opportunity to keep an eye on the activities of the government and other stakeholders.

Q13 Proximity is one of the characteristics of mass communication. YES/NO

Q14 Netcasts can be listened to from anywhere in the world regardless of the place of origin. YES/NO

Q15 The term inferential feedback was coined by _.

Q16 A gatekeeper performs three major functions. YES/NO

Q17 Transnational, Continental and are types of news agencies today.

Q18 founded the first newspaper published in Germany.

Q19 Most Nigerians prefer reading books or newspaper to watching television or listening to radio. YES/NO

Q20 has incorporated a three dimensional form of information into the media world.

Q21 The origin of Public Relation could be traced to the _.

Q22 The internet, radio and television are all regarded as examples of mass media. YES/NO

Q23 is a type of film that presents an event or person with or without fiction based on facts.

Q24 The tragic story of the popular sea story of the Titanic happened on the 15th of April _.

Q25 The helps to provide advantageous information on current affairs.

Q26 The first magazine was published in the year _.

Q27 The reading culture is widely embraced in Nigeria. YES/NO

Q28 The Value Change Theory is used to induce attitudinal and changes.

Q29 is known as the inventor of radio.

Q30 In column and pages of the new paper the correlation function of the press is best illustrated.

Q31 Functional meaning of communication can be grouped into major areas.

Q32 The word television is a hybrid word gotten from both and Latin.

Q33 The tragic story of the popular titanic is a fiction YES/NO.

Q34 is always delayed in the process of communication.

Q35 The theory that describes an ideal way for media systems to be operated and structured is theory

Q36 The concept of broadcasting originated from _.

Q37 Papyrus was employed as a medium of writing in the ancient Roman and Greek world. True or false

Q38 In what year did the first Gutenberg bible appear

Q39 Theories are derived through a process known as method

Q40 The transmission of electromagnetic waves sent into space is known as _.

Q41 As part of the unique features of communication it distinguishes theLiving from the _.

Q42 The first oldest known Printing Press is _.

Q43 The positive function of mass communication over weigh the negative function. YES/NO

Q44 is interference that keeps message from being understood to have an effective communication.

Q45 The communication process involves number of stages.

Q46 The key to how humans communicate is known as _.

Q47 began to publish American magazine in the United State of America.

Q48 says that theories enables us to put facts in perspective.

Q49 The model that used ripples of pebble to describe the flow of communication is

Q50 The correlation function of mass communication is also known as function of the press

Q51 The avenue through which the message is transmitted to the receiver is _.

Q52 The media outfit that can produce both speech and sound is _.

Q53 The full meaning of agency with the acronynm NAN is _.

Q54 The full meaning of BON is _.

Q55 _is the reaction of the receiver to the message received, in form of feedback.

Q56 and Telephone are early predecessors of radio.

Q57 Culture defines our _.

Q58 The soviet communist theory allows organisation of the press along the lines of political conflicts. YES/NO

Q59 The full meaning of the news agency with the acronynm UPI is

Q60 were called specials during the civil wars.

Q61 One of the characteristics of mass communication is permanency. YES/NO

Q62 Mass communication messages are heterogenous means

Q63 Severin and both highlighted some differences in the way in which communication can be received.

Q64 _was the first successful newspaper in the world.

Q65 The sterling Manhattan Cable Company launched its Home Box Office in the year _.

Q66 Mass communication messages are because they are fast.

Q67 The mass media enforce the basic norm and value of the society through their Reportage of cultural issues and event. YES/NO

Q68 Films that are in function helps to purge people of negative emotion

Q69 is the film’s primary creative authority and is ultimately responsible for virtually everything that appears on the screen

Q70 is the artist and technician that is responsible for the photographic look of the film

Q71 The acronym ICT means

Q72 idea of a global village is made possible by the emergence of the Internet

Q73 has to do with commercial persuasion.

Q74 is defined as any of the consequences of mass media operation, whether intended or not, that has effectiveness and the capacity to achieve given objectives.

Q75 Media effect could be assessed at individual level. YES/NO

Q76 Amongst the functions of interpersonal communication it is said to be desirous for many reasons which includes the following except __.

Q77 Non –verbal communication is characterised by the following except __.

Q78 An advantage of written communication is __.

Q79 The following are types of oral communication except __.

Q80 The first printing press was established in North America in __.

Q81 Communication between two or more nations across international boundaries is known as

Q82 __ is a type of non verbal communication

Q83 What is non verbal communication?

Q84 The following are steps of oral communication except __.

Q85 As one of the disadvantages of oral communication it is possible that it lacks ____ .

Q86 The following are different forms of potent barrier to an effective communication except

Q87 By nature, mass communication audience has four peculiar features namely

Q88 The following are types of film except __.

Q89 Andrew Bradford began publishing American magazine in the year __.

Q90 The following is not one of the basic function of mass communication

Q91 The media theory that advocates support for an existing political regime that brings about national economic development is __.

Q92 The magic bullet theory is also known as __.

Q93 __ is a form of noise that comes from within as a result of poor mental attitude, depression and emotional stress

Q94 The following dates are important in the history of book production except __.

Q95 In England Corantos, one page news sheets were printed in English in Holland in __.

Q96 Before the advent of books in the invention of writing the Egyptian alphabets appeared as__.

Q97 Disadvantages of interpersonal communication causes __.

Q98 One can overcome the barriers of an effective interpersonal communication by

Q99 Oral communication succinctly means __.

Q100 The following are the instruments of authoritarian control of the media except__.

Q101 The above theory advocates the complete domination of the media by__.

Q102 ____media theory is the oldest press.

Q103 Communication is ever described to be __.

Q104 The Russian Revolution is based on the postulates of __ and __

Q105 What are the 3 major functions of the gatekeepers?

Q106 For any communication to be mass communicated, it must be disseminated through a mass medium such a __.

Q107 In mass media organizations, the gatekeepers are usually the __.

Q108 Among the features of mass communication __ is not inclusive.

Q109 __, defined mass communication as the process of creating shared meaning between the mass media and their audience

Q110 Mass communication means __

Q111 “Omoba’’ cartoon strip in “ punch’’ newspaper is a good example of __ function of the mass media

Q112 Under the correlation function of the press the press helps to __

Q113 The __ function of mass communication is synonymous to __ role of the press

Q114 The function of the mass media is divided into __.

Q115 __ emerged as a result of conflict between professionalism and self regulation of the press for greater regulation of the media

Q116 The Libertarian media theory prescribes __.

Q117 The 3 distinguishing features of Mass Communication includes the following except __.

Q118 The concept of gatekeeper was first coined by __.

Q119 The gatekeepers could be defined as __

Q120 The 3 distinguishing features of mass communication includes the following except __.

Q121 The only media legally subjected to been censored in most countries is __

Q122 The broadcast brand of Radio Lagos is __.

Q123 Which of the following is a broadcast media outfit

Q124 An example of internet “ search “ engine is

Q125 An example of newspaper in Nigeria is

Q126 The following is the reason for studying communication except

Q127 Three parallel parts mentioned by Aristotle for an effective communication to take place includes the following except

Q128 Communication is derived from the Latin word__, which means__.

Q129 The four working principles of soviet press in soviet communist media theory include __.

Q130 Theory and research are closely related through the __.

Q131 Detectives formulate ___ to unravel a case.

Q132 Characteristics of theory includes __.

Q133 What are the names of the scholars that designed the HUB model

Q134 Communication can only take place when the source’s and __.

Q135 Schramm”s model of communication posits that communication is __ and __.

Q136 Theories help to __

Q137 The full meaning of PANA is __.

Q138 Advertising is derived from the Latin word __ which means __.

Q139 __ proposed the verbal model of describing the way communication works

Q140 The great philosopher Aristotle called the study of communication __

Q141 We can identify __ no. of elements in the communication process

Q142 Gatekeeping means __.

Q143 From the perspective of mass communication as an art, we consider the communicator’s

Q144 Which of the following represent the correct flow of communication process?

Q145 The potent barrier to an effective communication is known as __

Q146 __ provides the link that enables the sources and the receiver to communicate

Q147 What could be the reason for communication to take place?

Q148 Fidelity refers to __.

Q149 Messages of mass communication coming in handy and has a medium through which the message could be passed and carried from one place to the other is known as __

Q150 communication is made up of the following except __.