Q1 Al-Mukhtār, leader of the Mukhtāriyyah group, died in 67 A.H. at
Q2 Shi'ah became a politico-religious entity only after the murder of Khalifah
Q3 The position of the Mu'tazilites on the doctrine of Beautific
vision of God is that God would be seen only with eyes of the
Q4 The religious terminology for Islamic Theology is ilmut-
Q5 The leader of the Kharijites was
Q6 The Mu'tazilites were addressed as 'polytheists of the first order' by the group
Q7 O my Lord, show me thyself so that I may gaze upon Thee' The
Ash'arites use this verse of the Qur'an to prove the possibility of the
Beatitic of Allah
Q8 The Mu'tazilite were able to spread their creed by force of the state authority under the patronage of Khalifah
Q9 The group denies the existence of the recording angels
Q10 The theologian who was of the opinion that the names of God are subject to the regular rules of grammar was
Q11 In the Qur'an, the angels that record the good and the bad deed are called
Q12 O my Lord, show me thyself so that I may gaze upon Thee' This was the statement made by Prophet as appeared in the Qur'an
Q13 The group believes that reward andpunishment are entirely God’s grace
Q14 The group was also referred to as Ahlu `t-Tawhīd wa `l-Adl
Q15 The Shi'ah group that introduced the idea of Muhammad's second coming is the
Q16 The group believed that Ali was higher in rank than the Prophet
Q17 The Bhoras group took the as the symbol of their Imam
Q18 Mas-hafu `d-Durūz (The Durūz Scripture) is the title of a book published by the group
Q19 Hamdān Qarmat, the leader of the Bātiniyyah group, claimed to have got the ability to read the
Q20 A renowned theologian and philosopher who opined that the office
of the Prophet is not restricted to any nation but open to all was
Q21 People of the Platform i.e.in the Mosque of the Prophet in Madina are referred to in Arabic as the
Q22 The phrase i’tazala’annāout of which the name Mu'tazillah was taken means 'he has from us'
Q23 A particular sect in Islam who believes that man has no choice but what Allah has predestined for him is known as the
Q24 Hasan a `s-Saba encouraged his followers in the Agha Khāniyyah Shi'ah group to
Q25 The in their theological view believed that any committer of a grave sin should be killed
Q26 The group was named after their leader Zayd Ibn Ali
Q27 The other title by which the Mu'tazilite group is called is the
Q28 The Saba’iyyah was an extremist Shi'ah group for addressing as " Juz’u min Allah" (divine part)
Q29 At a later period, the Shi'ah sect divided into twelve groups and are thus known by the name
Q30 The Ithnā ‘Ashariyyah Shi'ah group is also called the
Q31 Just like the Qadirites, the Mu'tazilites believe that is accountable for his evil deed
Q32 was the teacher to both Wāşil bn ‘Atā and ‘Amr bn’ Ubayd.
Q33 The heretical Kisāniyyah group is sometimes called
Q34 The main belief of the Shi'ate group is hinged on the infallability of and his descendants
Q35 The Bātiniyyah group were popular in the town of
Q36 The point at which the Kharijites declared secession from the group of Ali was situated in
Q37 Ilmu `l-Kalām can best be translated as theology
Q38 The Mu'tazilites' expression which signifies that as soon as a Man
commits a mortal sin he neither remains a believer or becomes an
unbeliever; but occupies a middle position is narated in Arabic as
"manzilah manzilatayn"
Q39 The most central of the Mu'tazilite doctrines are of Divine Unity and
Q40 Khalifah
issued a letter of authority to all the Qāđīs of the State to test
the beliefs of officials with regard to the createdness of the Qur'an
Q41 The Bhoras is an Ismā‘īlī sub-sect which has its center in
Q42 The Kharijite group emerged in Islam as an offshoot of misunderstanding between Ali and
Q43 "La hukmah illa lillah” means belongs to Allah alone
Q44 The tentacles of the Azraqites spread over a large area in land
Q45 Under the doctrine of the Shi'ah believe their Imam can not die.
Q46 The slogan "La hukmah illa lillah” belongs to the sect
Q47 The theory of the Mu'rijites is in sharp opposition to that of the
Q48 The camp of the Azraqites is called Dar- al-
Q49 The policy of concealment of religious view as adopted by the
Najdites living under a non-Kharijite government is known as
Q50 The Mu'tazilah were a movement in Islam which placed use of over revelation
Q51 The Shi'aite's attachement of salvation of man to his love and devotion to the Imam is known as
Q52 The Durūz sect members also called themselves
Q53 The other name of Amr ibn Bahr is
Q54 To order the doing of right and forbid the doing of Wrong according to the Mu'tazilites is fard
Q55 The Ithnā ‘Ashariyyah Shi'ah group is also called the
Q56 One issue on which some sahabah of the Prophet Muhammad engaged themselves in serious argument is about
Q57 The homebase of the Zaydī Shi'ah group is
Q58 The Mu'tazilites believe that Qur'an was
Q59 The leader of the Kisāniyyah group had a which he claimed to be part of ‘Alī’s heritage
Q60 The Ismā‘īliyyah sub-sect of the Shi'ah is also known as
Q61 The ______ in their theological view believed that any committer of a grave sin should be killed
Q62 "La hukmah illa lillah” means _________
Q63 The slogan "La hukmah illa lillah” belongs to the ________ sect
Q64 The main belief of the Shi'ate group is hinged on the infallability of ______
Q65 The leader of the Kharijites was __________
Q66 All the following are used interchangeably except __________
Q67 The Shi'aite's attachement of salvation of man to his love and devotion to the Imam is known as _________
Q68 Which of the following is not part of the Shi'ah creeds?
Q69 The phrase i’tazala’annāout of which the name Mu'tazillah was taken means _______
Q70 _______ was the teacher to both Wāşil bn ‘Atā and ‘Amr bn’ Ubayd.
Q71 The other title by which the Mu'tazilite group is called is the _______
Q72 Which of the following is NOT part of the beliefs of the Nusayriyyah sect:
Q73 The Bhoras is an Ismā‘īlī sub-sect which has its center in __________
Q74 The Mu'tazilites' expression "manzilah bayna manzilatayn" signifies that _________
Q75 Just like the Qadirites, the Mu'tazilites believe that _______
Q76 The Durūz sect members also called themselves ________
Q77 Hasan a `s-Saba encouraged his followers in the Agha Khāniyyah Shi'ah group to _______
Q78 The Shi'ah group that introduced the idea of Muhammad's second coming is the __________
Q79 The homebase of the Zaydī Shi'ah group is ________
Q80 Khalifah _________ issued a letter of authority
to all the Qāđīs of the State to test the beliefs of officials with
regard to the createdness of the Qur'an
Q81 A good example of the Mu'tazilah group is _______
Q82 The Mu'tazilah were a movement in Islam which placed use of _________ over revelation
Q83 To Order the doing of right and forbid the doing of Wrong according to the Mu'tazilites is ________
Q84 The Mu‘tazilites maintain that it is________ God to reward the virtuous and punish the wicked
Q85 The position of the Mu'tazilites on the doctrine of Beautific vision of God is that God would be seen only with ________
Q86 According to the Mu'tazilites' belief, the Qur'an was ________
Q87 The Saba’iyyah was an extremist Shi'ah group for calling ________" Juz’u min Allah" (divine part)
Q88 All of the following Shi'ah groups are regarded as being generally moderate except the _________
Q89 One issue on which some sahabah of the Prophet Muhammad engaged themselves in serious argument is about __________
Q90 Ali ibn Abi Talib can be described with all of the following except being _______
Q91 The camp of the Azraqites is called
Q92 Shi'ah became a politico-religious entity only after the murder of __________
Q93 The word shi'ah in the Arabic tongue connotes all the following except ________
Q94 Al-Mukhtār, leader of the Mukhtāriyyah group, died in 67 A.H. at ________
Q95 The leader of the Kisāniyyah group had a ________ which he claimed to be part of ‘Alī’s heritage
Q96 The heretical Kisāniyyah group is sometimes called __________
Q97 The Ithnā ‘Ashariyyah Shi'ah group is also called the __________
Q98 The _________ group was named after their leader Zayd Ibn Ali
Q99 The Ismā‘īliyyah sub-sect of the Shi'ah is also known as _________
Q100 At a later period, the Shi'ah sect divided into twelve groups and are thus known by the name _______
Q101 Under the doctrine of ________ the Shi'ah believe their Imam can not die.
Q102 All of the following are characteristics of the Kharijites except that __________
Q103 The policy of concealment of religious view as
adopted by the Najdites living under a non-Kharijite government is known
as ___________
Q104 The most central of the Mu'tazilite doctrines are of Divine Unity and _______
Q105 The tentacles of the Azraqites spread over a large area in _________
Q106 The major difference between Azraqites and
Najdites, which are two sub-sects from the Kharijite group, is that the
former considered those who did not join their group as unbelievers
(kuffar) while the latter considered them as _______
Q107 Which of the following is not part of the internal factors that influenced the emergence of Ilmut-Tawhid?
Q108 Ilmu `l-Kalām can best be translated as ________
Q109 A particular sect in Islam who believes that man
has no choice but what Allah has predestined for him is known as the
Q110 Which of the following is not an aspect of At-Tawhid?
Q111 The religious terminology for Islamic Theology is _______
Q112 The point at which the Kharijites declared secession from the group of Ali was in ______
Q113 The Kharijite group emerged in Islam as an offshoot of misunderstanding between Ali and ______
Q114 The Bhoras is an Ismā‘īlī sub-sect which has its center in __________
Q115 The theory of the Mu'rijites is in sharp opposition to that of the ________
Q116 The general creeds to all Shi'ah groups are in connection with ______ issues.
Q117 A good example of groups of people who usually
engaged in religious pursuits and discussions during the time of the
Prophet Muhammad was the ________
Q118 Those who vowed to ever remained as Ali's followers are called the _________
Q119 The theological view of the Mu'rijite group centres around __________
Q120 Which of the following groups was in staunch opposition to predestination?