INR121 List of eExam Questions in the Bank

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Q1 Britain recently expelled four Russian diplomats in what year

Q2 The idea of European unity is not a new one and can be traced to

Q3 In contemporary international relations, Russia must open up its

Q4 Russia’s economy has been strengthened by the rise in price of

Q5 Today, more than ever before, it may be argued that Russia does not engage in wars of

Q6 The EU-Russia energy dialogue was cancelled in what year

Q7 What is Russia’s main export to the European Union

Q8 Angela Merkel gained credibility in Europe because, among other reasons, of her criticism of whose foreign policy

Q9 The relations between Russia and the West in the contemporary international system are characterized by both

Q10 The main goals of Baltic States for integrating into Western institutions such as the European Union and NATO was to diminish the influence of

Q11 The United Nations was founded by number of states

Q12 The United Nations was founded in the year

Q13 Religious groups are among the large NGOs. The _Church holds a special position in the European international system as an NGO

Q14 The undesirability of _has necessitated Diplomacy

Q15 The modern acceleration of globalization is the products of two factors: change and policy

Q16 In the outpouring of criticism of globalization _points out that 9/11/2001 attack on the World Trade Centre illustrates the dark side of globalization and interdependence

Q17 Field Marshal _of Uganda was notorious about issues of human rights violations

Q18 For the domestic economic problems of Nigeria in 1986, the International Monetary Fund prescribed _as a remedy

Q19 For the domestic economic problems of Nigeria in 1986, the International Monetary Fund prescribed _as a remedy

Q20 _was the regime toppled in South Africa before democracy was installed

Q21 _has defined power as “man’s control over the minds and actions of other men”

Q22 _is the second country with the largest population in the world

Q23 _is the country with the largest population in the world

Q24 The main reason cited for the integration of Germany into the European Union was _and political

Q25 Throughout history, Afghanistan rugged mountains had bedeviled invaders, including the United States. Since 2001, the US and other NATO troops have been trying to eliminate _and the Taliban

Q26 The ALPs form a barrier that has helped protect from larger European neighbours

Q27 _is located between China and Japan

Q28 _is sandwiched between Germany and Russia

Q29 The Westphalia Treaty was signed in the year

Q30 The _approach viewed human nature as essentially ‘good’ and capable of mutual aid and collaboration

Q31 Mainland China joined the United Nations in the year

Q32 When we define international relations as “relations between powerful groups”, what comes to our mind is the concept of

Q33 In the _system, the sub-systems are more closely knit and coherent

Q34 The Treaty of _is regarded as time when the state system began to take on its modern form?

Q35 Power politics and the virtual inevitability of war are features of the _School of international politics

Q36 The following are the categories of national interest: interests and _interests

Q37 _is the much needed antidote to political short sightedness and partisanship

Q38 _said that “The National Interest does not consist in abstractions”

Q39 According to a volume published by the Brooklings institution that makes a helpful distinction among national interest, objective, policies and comments: are specific undertakings in support of policy”

Q40 According to a volume published by the Brooklings institution that makes a helpful distinction among national interest, objective, policies and comments: _are ways of obtaining objectives

Q41 Africa alone accounts for about _of membership of the United Nations

Q42 According to a volume published by the Brooklings institution that makes a helpful distinction among national interest, objective, policies and comments: _are what a nation feels to be necessary to its security

Q43 _are the group of people who carry out rather than make foreign policy decision

Q44 _is the full meaning of MNCs

Q45 The League of nations was primarily instituted to contain

Q46 _is the full meaning of NATO

Q47 _are another type of transnational actors

Q48 _is the full meaning of OPEC

Q49 _City States first established permanent diplomatic mission, career diplomats and complete privileges

Q50 The Roman notion that the spiritual and secular power are the same was nearly revived but for the spread of

Q51 The major communications outfit that has turned the world into a global village is

Q52 Since 1971, China has occupied not only China seat at the United Nation General Assembly but also that in the

Q53 _is another name of Taiwan

Q54 The Treaty of Westphalia was signed in the year

Q55 China isolated itself from the rest of the world for nearly _decades

Q56 A biological system is while the international system is artificial

Q57 _argues that the major concern of states is the acquisition of power

Q58 _also defines international relations as “relations between powerful groups

Q59 _argues that international relations “included relations between many entities of uncertain sovereignty”

Q60 Some scholars see power as the key to

Q61 How was the relationship between West and East Germany during the Cold War?

Q62 Ludwig Erhard became German Chancellor in?

Q63 Can the German miracle be attributed to the Marshal Aid Plan?

Q64 Ludwig Erhard was appointed Bavarian minister of finance in 1945 because of his

Q65 ‘Soziale Marktwirtschaft’ means______________

Q66 In 1936, price control was imposed on Germans by?

Q67 The two key factors that led to the German economic miracle after the wars were?

Q68 What percentage of housing in Germany was destroyed by Hitler’s scorched-earth policy after World War II?

Q69 The defining feature of the period between World War I and World War II were?

Q70 In the years between World War I and World War II, the German masses blamed their political and economic problems on the

Q71 Both World Wars began and ended in?

Q72 A unified Germany today can be likened to?

Q73 The Treaty equally signaled the decline of the supremacy of the papacy and emphasised the principle of

Q74 The concert system in Europe started in the year

Q75 Why do the Africa entities in the contemporary international system fight against it

Q76 In Ethiopia attention was drawn to___________

Q77 In the medieval period, religious wars were filled with

Q78 What kind of people did the Italian city state use for thier wars

Q79 When their diplomacy failed, in their relationship with others they resorted to

Q80 Who were the first to establish full diplomatic missions in other countries

Q81 The medieval period was also referred to in Europe as

Q82 During the Cold War period, the situation of the internationsl system could be said to be

Q83 To emphasise that states in the contemporary international system are equal, the rule in the United Nation general assembly is____________ </

Q84 Africa alone accounts for about _____________of membership of the United Nations

Q85 Who are the most important actors in the international system

Q86 The United Nations Organisation was established in the year

Q87 The Treaty of Versatiles in the modern international system encouraged

Q88 One of the following is regarded as a powerful non-state actor

Q89 Non-state actors are also known as___________

Q90 Who are the most important actors in the international system

Q91 The Treaty of west phalia signaled the decline of medieval rules and enshrined

Q92 Who were the proponents of the two dominant political ideologies in the world system soon after World War II

Q93 The power shift was so much so that Arab countries had the courage to use _____________againt Western Europe </p>@

Q94 Globalisation and revolution in communication has led to the issues of _____________in Rwanda and Burundi

Q95 In Sierra Leone and Liberia CNN drew attention to ____________

Q96 There was a power shift after the completion of the international system from the Western Europeans to

Q97 The Treaty of west phalia signaled the decline of medieval rules and enshrined

Q98 As a result of this rift, China could not join the United Nation until the year

Q99 Before China was able to join the United Nations _______occupied the seat supported by the U.S. and her allies

Q100 This Chinese revolution led to a serious rift between China and ____

Q101 The independence of states in former European colonies of ______ and _________completed the circle of integration into the international system

Q102 Following the breaking of the Ottoman empire, another group of countries were released to join the international system, these were______

Q103 International relation is defined as the study of ___________

Q104 After the World War II, President Woodrow Wilson of America contributed positively and immensely to the Peace Conference in

Q105 The major development in the growth of the present day international system is the independence of the certain colonia in where

Q106 Where did the Japanese attack America fleet which made America to join the World War II

Q107 Which country defeated Russia in 1905 that also made a difference in the intenational political system

Q108 In the Holy Roman empire, the ________________was regarded both as the temporal and spiritual leader of the empire

Q109 The contemporary state system dates back to the treaty of _________in 1648

Q110 Who was the leader of the Chinese revolution in 1949

Q111 The major argument this book “politics Amongs Nations" is that emphasis was shifted from diplomary and law to <

Q112 Who is the author of the famous International Relation book, “politics among Nations”

Q113 The theoretical and methodological problems associated with the realist school gave rise to ___________________or scientific study of political science

Q114 Economic issues and the problems of underdevelopment in the third World have led to the use of concepts such as

Q115 The attempt at disarmament and arms control was extensively discussed in the Washington Naval Conference of

Q116 The outbreak of the World War II led to the widespread debate criticism, and rejection of ___________________paradigms

Q117 The international system is a cultural and conceptual creation of international politics and

Q118 The international system, has also been likened to the biological system, but while the biological system is natural, the international system, is said to be

Q119 Which pact was signed among nations after World War I that emphasised the legal control of war

Q120 What institution was founded after the World War I as an important instrument that would eliminate war?