ESM104 List of eExam Questions in the Bank

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Q1 There are number of gases in the homosphere

Q2 The upper part of the _is made up of granitic rocks and forms the continent

Q3 is the scientific study of all phenomena associated with ocean

Q4 When minerals are exploited by sophisticated means it can lead to

Q5 The heat generated by this radio isotopes is responsible for the molten-nature of the core

Q6 Most of the rocks in the earth crust are in origin

Q7 The most abundant mineral in the earth crust are the

Q8 The felsic consists of quartz and felspars A good example is

Q9 Generally the radio isotopes are concentrated in the outer layer of the

Q10 The lithosphere otherwise known as the earth crust is made up of parts

Q11 Sratification of the atmosphere means the same as

Q12 The ozone layer is located in which of these divisions of the atmosphere

Q13 There are layers or divisions in the atmosphere

Q14 This decrease of temperature takes place at a rate of 6 50C per

Q15 The rate of temperature decrease with increasing height is called Environmental

Q16 is the lowest layer of the atmosphere

Q17 These factors are altitude latitude and

Q18 There are factors the influences the composition of gases in the homosphere

Q19 gas in composition supercede all other gases in the homosphere

Q20 The homosphere is part of the

Q21 The study of environmental science will stress the understanding of the system and the processes of the earth their implication on man and their impact on man as the impact of man on these processes

Q22 In Eco-Science interaction is on the realms of phenomenon

Q23 The fairly homogenous part of the atmosphere is referred to as the

Q24 On June 5th 1972 the First United Nations Conference on the Human environment was open at

Q25 The atmosphere can be described as a gaseous envelope held to the earth by forces

Q26 The 1972 stockholm conference was attended by nations

Q27 The Tbilisi Recommendations provide a substantial forting for the decision making in environmental

Q28 In October 1975 an International Workshop on Environmental Education was held in

Q29 The global concern for human environment started in

Q30 The interaction of man on the natural systems can be looked at from view points

Q31 These are the ways in which environmental science is different from the present science like physics chemistry and biology

Q32 There are realms of the environment

Q33 In Geoscience interaction is on the realms of phenomenon

Q34 environmental science can be defined as the study of all systems of air land water energy and life that surrounds man

Q35 What is really new about environmental science is its

Q36 There are types of the natural environment

Q37 There are types of environment

Q38 In Nigeria in spite of much published speeches there is no that clearly define environment

Q39 The environment of the includes the abiotic factors of land wateratmosphere climates sound odours and tastes the basic factors of animals plants bacteria and viruses

Q40 The course writer of ESM104 introduction to environmental science is

Q41 is not part of the biotic components

Q42 The term Climate can be defined as a synthesis or an weather

Q43 Industrialization and acid rain pollution are twin brothers that always go together

Q44 The series of floods which hit the city of Kano between August 6th and 13th 1986 culminating in the collapse of the dam

Q45 have a cooling effect on the temperature of the lower atmosphere

Q46 can also be defined as the highest value of the stage or discharge of a stream during the water year

Q47 The most important pollutants as far as climate modification concerned are CO2 fluorocarbons surfur compound and

Q48 has about 8.6 million hectares 21 2 million acres of forest, covering a quarter of the total area

Q49 may also have other beneficial uses if they can be properly controlled and managed

Q50 are known to counteract or model warming effect of CO2

Q51 and Norwegian scientists were the first to successfully draw international attention to the problem of acid rain based on the research

Q52 The produces about 3 5 million tones of SO2 per year, making it the fourth biggest producer in the world

Q53 Over half of air pollution originates in neighbouring countries

Q54 The former Soviet Union is the world s producer of sulphur oxide S02

Q55 The essence of is that every effect has a cause, and as far as human activities and human behaviour are concerned

Q56 The living or biotic components can be divided into

Q57 is any area on the earth surface consisting of organisms interacting with one another and with the physical environment

Q58 The plants are self nourishing and that is why they are referred to as

Q59 It has been estimated that a gram of rich top soil may contain as many as one million algae 16 million mould ans several million

Q60 In the microscopic life forms are greater in number than the larger or visible life forms plants and animal

Q61 When minerals are exploited by sophisticated means it can lead to _________

Q62 What is really new about environmental science is its ________

Q63 This decrease of temperature takes place at a rate of 6 50C per __________

Q64 These factors are altitude latitude and ________

Q65 These are the __________ ways in which environmental science is different from the present science like physics chemistry and biology

Q66 There are _________types of environment

Q67 There are ___________ number of gases in the homosphere

Q68 There are __________ types of the natural environment

Q69 There are _________ realms of the environment

Q70 There are _________ layers or divisions in the atmosphere

Q71 There are _________ factors the influences the composition of gases in the homosphere

Q72 There are _________ branches of oceanography

Q73 The upper part of the __________is made up of granitic rocks and forms the continent

Q74 The Tbilisi Recommendations provide a substantial forting for the decision making in environmental __________

Q75 The study of environmental science will stress the understanding of the ________ system and the processes of the earth their implication on man and their impact on man as the impact of man on these processes

Q76 The rate of temperature decrease with increasing height is called environmental ____________

Q77 The ozone layer is located in which of these divisions of the atmosphere

Q78 The most abundant mineral in the earth crust are the _________

Q79 The major ocean of the world is the __________

Q80 The lithosphere otherwise known as the earth's crust is made up of ______ parts

Q81 The interaction of man on the natural systems can be looked at from _____ view points

Q82 The hydrological cycle consists of _________ phases

Q83 The homosphere is part of the ___________

Q84 The heat generated by this radio isotopes is responsible for the molten-nature of the _______ core

Q85 The global concern for human environment started in _____________

Q86 The felsic consists of quartz and felspars A good example is __________

Q87 The fairly homogenous part of the atmosphere is referred to as the __________

Q88 The environment of the ___________ includes the abiotic factors of land water atmosphere climates sound odours and tastes the basic factors of animalsplants bacteria and viruses

Q89 The doctrine or concept of environmental determinism is an idea among _______

Q90 The atmosphere can be described as a gaseous envelope held to the earth by ______ forces

Q91 The 1972 Stockholm conference was attended by ________ nations

Q92 The __________ are aquatic and at the same time live in terrestrial environment

Q93 The _________ lies at the interface of the lithosphere atmosphere and the hydrosphere

Q94 The _________ is also referred to as the organic world

Q95 Stratification of the atmosphere means the same as _________

Q96 On June 5 1972 the first United Nations Conference on the Human Environment was open at ___________

Q97 Most of the rocks in the earth crust are _________ in origin

Q98 In October 1975 an International Workshop on Environmental Education was held in _______

Q99 In Nigeria, in spite of much published speeches there is no ________ that clearly define environment

Q100 In Geoscience interaction is on the realms of __________ phenomenon

Q101 In Eco-Science interaction is on the realms of _________phenomenon

Q102 Generally the radio isotopes are concentrated in the outer layer of the _________

Q103 Essentially ___________ and probabilism are not the same but are very close

Q104 Drought is not a _________ phenomenon in Nigeria

Q105 Accrding to Ayoade 1988 drought can be classified into _________

Q106 A better system of grouping the biosphere is one which recognizes _______ different groups in the biosphere

Q107 _________ environmental science can be defined as the study of all systems of air land water energy and life that surrounds man

Q108 _______________ is the scientific study of lakes fresh water and ponds

Q109 _____________ is the lowest layer of the atmosphere

Q110 ___________ gas in composition supercede all other gases in the homosphere

Q111 __________ drought is less easily recognized unlike others where we can see the evidence

Q112 _________ describes the endless interchange of water between the ocean air and land

Q113 _________ are all the organisms which depend on the producers for food, either directly or indirectly

Q114 ________ oceanography studies the extent and shape of the ocean basin the structure and relief of their floors the movement of sea water its temperature and salinity

Q115 _______ is also a geomorphic agent important for the process of weathering

Q116 _____ starts from 10 km to 17 km above the earth surface and extends to a height of about 35 km

Q117 ____________ does not say that environmental factors are not important

Q118 _________ are the true animals including man and we have wide variation of these groups man insects worms and those whose cells are organised and specialised

Q119 ________ is the scientific study of all phenomena associated with ocean

Q120 The course writer of ESM104 Introduction to Environmental Science is _________________