ENT201 List of eExam Questions in the Bank

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Q1 Micro financing has been found to be a sure source of finance to the _.

Q2 The Record Book is the heart of your .

Q3 Your is the customers, people or other businesses, who want your products or services and are able and willing to pay for them.

Q4 Delegation of authority is the passing of _, duties and operating responsibility by the superior officer (entrepreneur) to the subordinate.

Q5 Time management requires systematic approach to managing programmes, _, activities and schedules.

Q6 is an organisation’s cultural commitment to satisfying customer through the use of an integrated system of tools, techniques, and training.

Q7 __means a set of objectives or organisational conditions and practices that make employees to perceive that they are safe, relatively well satisfied and able to grow and develop as human beings.

Q8 A strong organisational culture founded on principles and sound values is a necessary foundation for organisational success.

Q9 can also affect people’s relationship and life style. It can also lead to irritable feeling, alienation, conflict, emotional outbursts, family problems, divorce, etc.

Q10 is very important like many other resources such as money, materials, men, machines and information.

Q11 can be defined as the art and science of using valuable hours prudently and effectively to achieve personal, professional and organisational objective.

Q12 is an important activity at all levels of management and for all aspects of management.

Q13 An is a decision-maker.

Q14 differs not only in the activity being controlled but also in the character of control used.

Q15 may be regarded as part of organising or separate function of management, which requires ensuring that the personnel needs are constantly and appropriately

Q16 Coordination ensures that the different __of a business are systematically integrated.

Q17 The work analysis is the linking of business strategy (plan) and design in order to achieve the organisational goal.

Q18 are the actions that the entrepreneur and management take in order to achieve the strategic and financial objective as well as the mission of a business.

Q19 is the most basic of management functions.

Q20 Successful management of may be described as the profitable use of those factors that are necessary to conduct a business successfully.

Q21 refers to the efficient allocation and utilization of available resources to achieve the predetermined goals of a business.

Q22 business is a difficult thing because of the divergent views people have concerning the term.

Q23 The environment is very important for the performance of the business.

Q24 The can be internal (micro) or external (macro) and these are inspired and maintained by the entrepreneur (a after he/she has determined ‘what to do’, ‘how to do it’ ‘when to do it’ and ‘Where to do it’.

Q25 The may be defined as the set of all objects, which are influenced by and/or influence the system of interest.

Q26 involves the harnessing of individual dreams and imaginations to produce values in form of products and services.

Q27 is the life blood of any organisation.

Q28 doing promotional activities Improving your own skill as a salesperson.

Q29 getting customers to buy more from you.

Q30 make customers interested in your products or services.

Q31 means informing and attracting customers to buy your product or services.

Q32 Wholesale and are useful if you make a large quantity of standard, low priced products and have many customers in your area.

Q33 is most useful for your business if you make fairly expensive products such as furniture and have a few customers.

Q34 is where your business is.

Q35 means different ways of getting your products or services to your customers.

Q36 means the location where your business is.

Q37 A means a lower price.

Q38 To satisfy your customers, improve your sale and make a , you need to understand the four P’s of marketing.

Q39 is the difficult but most important part of managing a business.

Q40 is everything you do to find out who your customers are and what they need and want.

Q41 Personal savings can be referred to as or the private money you put into your business.

Q42 All business firms need to own some combinations of cash, equipment, building and other properties referred to as .

Q43 encourages the development of the habit of savings.

Q44 Fund for loan is sourced from the savings of the members who are paid little or no

Q45 Money lenders charge as high as between _, while the credit group charges between 36 and 60% per annum.

Q46 Loans are granted without formal operational procedures and the cost of transaction is therefore

Q47 Oftentimes, and communal norms that are applied instruments in order to check fraudulent practices.

Q48 The is a bit different in the sense that each member collects the amount of money saved at the end of a specified period usually a year.

Q49 Micro credit is a form of assistance extended to those in the informal sector that is, business men who run enterprises

Q50 Safe groups are usually not registered under any statutory

Q51 In micro – financing, the interest rate paid on the savings is

Q52 The MFB is set up in order to make financial services available on a sustainable basis to the economically active poor, low income earners and the Micro, __through privately owned banks.

Q53 The introduction of CBs in was another step in the efforts of the government to meet the credits needs of the rural dwellers as well as the micro and medium scale enterprises.

Q54 The NACB began lending in __.

Q55 The PBN was established in as an economic strategy for sustainable growth as an aftermath of the increased poverty level that arose as a result of the Structural Adjustment Programme (SAP).

Q56 The was established in August 12, 1997 by the late General Sani Abacha Administration.

Q57 FIIRO was established in with the aim of quickening the pace of industrial development.

Q58 is the property pledged as a guarantee for the repayment of a loan.

Q59 An is a sole trader.

Q60 In many developing countries, Nigeria inclusive, women constitute a major percentage of micro entrepreneurs in the sector.

Q61 Causes of failure of small scale business are the following EXCEPT ______

Q62 Total Quality Management (TQM) is an organisation’s ______ commitment to satisfying customer through the use of an integrated system of tools, techniques, and training.

Q63 The main components of Quality of Work Life include:

Q64 Quality of Work Life means a set of objectives or organisational conditions and practices that make ______ to perceive that they are safe, relatively well satisfied and able to grow and develop as human beings.

Q65 _______ is the act of engaging in good, right, and moral business practices.

Q66 The main causes of stress are under the following headings EXCEPT________

Q67 The symptoms of time mismanagement are EXCEPT _______

Q68 The causes of time management are EXCEPT_______

Q69 The benefits of time management are the following EXCEPT _______

Q70 ______ is a state of physical or mental tension resulting from factors that affect the body’s equilibrium or the body’s reaction to either pleasant or complement simulation.

Q71 ________ can be defined as the art and science of using valuable hours prudently and effectively to achieve personal, professional and organisational objective.

Q72 The main components of the process include ______

Q73 Planning Process involves:

Q74 _______ refers to the efficient allocation and utilization of available resources to achieve the predetermined goals of a business.

Q75 The Role of SMEs in the Nigeria Economy are the following except_______

Q76 ________ is an industry whose total projects; costs of land and working capital is above N50 million but does not exceed N200 million and a labour size of not more than 300 workers.

Q77 ______is an industry whose total project cost, (excluding land and working capital) is above N1.5million but does not exceed N50million and a labour size of not more than 100 employees.

Q78 ________ is an industry whose total project cost, (excluding cost of land and working capital) is not more than N1.5million and labour size of not more than 10 employees.

Q79 FEM means _______

Q80 What is the full meaning of SAP?

Q81 _____ may be stronger as a result of merging and acquisition, product changes and process changes.

Q82 The _______ environment comprises of the structure of the population, regional location of target population, changes in class structures, new values and attitude to work, type of authority, leisure and changes in labour as well its mobility etc

Q83 The more _______ developed a community is, the better it is for businesses to spring up.

Q84 The _______ environment is very important for the performance of the business.

Q85 _______ involves the creation of values, the process of starting of growing a new profit-making business, the process of providing a new product or service, and the intentional creation of value through organization by an individual contributor or small group of partners

Q86 The following are ways of advertising products without a lot of money EXCEPT________.

Q87 The following are the useful ways to do advertising EXCEPT________.

Q88 ________ is getting customers to buy more from you.

Q89 ________ make customers interested in your products or services.

Q90 Before the distribution Channel is changed, think about _______.

Q91 _______ means different ways of getting your products or services to your customers.

Q92 ______ means the location where your business is.

Q93 ______ is important for retailers and service operators who need to be where their customers are.

Q94 ______ means informing and attracting customers to buy your product or services.

Q95 Marketing can be done through ______

Q96 Your market is the customers, people or other businesses, who want your products or services and are able and willing to _____ for them.

Q97 _________ is everything you do to find out who your Customers are and what they need and want.

Q98 You can use the records to know your _______

Q99 The main requirements for a good record keeping are EXCEPT:

Q100 Record Keeping means you have to write down


Q102 The National Directorate Of Employment (NDE) is set up to perform the following functions EXCEPT:

Q103 _______ scheme was instituted by the National Poverty Eradication Programme (NAPEP).

Q104 A _______ is a statement or plan of action put in place in order to achieve specific objective.

Q105 The full meaning of ACOSCA is ________

Q106 NACCUN is an offshoot of the Nigerian Cooperative League established in ______ as the apex for Cooperative Thrift and Credit Societies and Unions in Nigeria.

Q107 The full meaning of NACCUN is ______

Q108 Cooperative bank in Nigeria was registered in _______ as a central financing society.

Q109 Disadvantages of Cooperative Society are the following EXCEPT:

Q110 A Cooperative bank is a central cooperative ______ in the business of financing.

Q111 The Cooperative movement was introduced to Nigeria in ________ by the colonial officials.

Q112 The following are the advantages of partnership EXCEPT:

Q113 A businessman can source for fund by going into _______ with a person who is interested in investing in his business, or from Cooperative Association or from Non-governmental Organisations.

Q114 ________ is a medium term finance where the buyer is given an asset after he has paid a deposit; the balance is paid on installment at agreed date and amounts.

Q115 Disadvantages of Owner's Equity are the following EXCEPT:

Q116 ________ can be referred to as equity or the private money you put into your business.

Q117 Limitation of Traditional Micro Finance Practice are the following EXCEPT:

Q118 Advantages of 'Ajo'are the following EXCEPT:

Q119 The following are the benefits of Micro credit EXCEPT:

Q120 _______ is the means of providing the economically active poor and low income households with financial services such as credit.