ENG281 List of eExam Questions in the Bank

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Q1 Subjugation and oppresion of women are the main subjects treated by __in Joys of Motherhood

Q2 Politics as sicial reality is presented in Debo Kotun's novel,

Q3 Religion as social reality is presented in Elechi Amadi's novel,

Q4 Meja Mwangi's Marxist novel is titled,

Q5 My Command is a memoir written by a former Nigerian President named

Q6 My Oddysey was written by a Nigerian nationalist called __-

Q7 Ngugi wa Thiong’O’s first novel to be published is

Q8 No Longer at Ease was written by

Q9 Wizard of the Crow is a satire on neo-colonialism and the attitudes of the ruling class was written by

Q10 Petals of Blood is a novel by __which was received a " political bombshell" in Kenya

Q11 The person who translated the Bible into Yoruba Language is

Q12 A Forest of Thousand Demons was first written in Yoruba by __--

Q13 Isidore Okpewo's is a war novel that explores the psychological make up of characters in the war drama

Q14 After Onitsha Market Literature, another market literature in Nigeria is

Q15 Amos Tutuola's most famous novel is

Q16 Angolan Literature is not francophone, but

Q17 Angolan novelist experimented with language by imposing the features of their native Kimbudu on Language

Q18 Another name for L’Enfant Noir written by Camara Laye is

Q19 The Simple Past was written by

Q20 Girls At War and Other Stories is a collection of __by Chinua Achebe

Q21 The River Between is an anti colonial novel by written by

Q22 Chraibi and Matar are novelists from __Africa

Q23 Things Fall Apart was written to correct the ugly pictures of Africa painted in Joyce Cary’s

Q24 Literatures from Portugal's former colonies are referred to as __literature

Q25 Ake: The years of Childhood is a memoir of __'s childhood written by him

Q26 You must set Forth at Dawn is a chronicle of __'s life written by him

Q27 Writers who wrote from outside Africa about Africa are known as writers in

Q28 Obi is the grandson of in Things Fall Apart

Q29 Okey Ndibe, who wrote Arrows of Rain, is a national of

Q30 Pamphlets sold at Onitsha have been classified in literature as

Q31 Peter Abrahams' first novel is

Q32 Purple Hibiscus is a novel by which explored religiosity

Q33 Sembene Ousmane is from

Q34 South African novels are noted for the theme of

Q35 The Beautyful Ones Are Not Yet Born was written by

Q36 The cause of Obi Okonkwo’s predicament in No Longer at Ease is

Q37 Ananse is an animal tricster in the folktale of the people of Ghana

Q38 The Voice, a novel which experiments with English through the structure of Ijaw Language was written by

Q39 Waiting for an Angel is a novel by

Q40 The Somalian male writer who writes for the liberation of women is

Q41 The main character in Mine Boy is

Q42 The author of Mission to Kala is

Q43 Stories which present animals with human attributes to play needed roles for moral lessons is called

Q44 Francophone novels refer to novels from French-speaking __Africa

Q45 Maghreb literature refers to literature from __Africa

Q46 Biyi Bandele's also treats militarism as one of its themes

Q47 Cyprian Ekwensi's most successful novel is

Q48 Driss Chraibi is a novelist from __--in North Africa

Q49 The setting of the novel, From a Crooked Rib

Q50 Heart of Darkness is a novel that contains distorted stories about Africa. It is written by

Q51 In Elechi Amadi’s The Concubine, Madume died because he violated the laws of the

Q52 In South Africa, earliest writing was established by the

Q53 The first novel written in Yoruba language was by

Q54 Invisible Chapters is a novel by

Q55 The main character in Ngugi Wa Thiong'o's A Grain of Wheat is

Q56 The major politician in A Man of the People is __-

Q57 The protagonist in Festus Iyayi's Marxist novel, Violence, is

Q58 The military president in Achebe's Anthills of the Savannah, is called

Q59 The protagonist in Nuruddin Farah's From a Crooked rib is

Q60 The name of a pioneer female novelist whose first novel was Efuru is

Q61 The novelist who spearheaded the transition from pamphlets of Onitsha market literature to serious novels is

Q62 People of the City by __was the first Nigerian novel to present the effects of colonialism in an urban setting

Q63 The protagonist in Achebe's No Longer At Ease is

Q64 Is The Simple Past a play or a novel

Q65 The Famished Road is the novel by

Q66 The first African novel written in English was authored by

Q67 The first book in Onitsha Market Literature series was published in

Q68 The first East African drama/play written by Ngugi Wa Thiong'o is titled

Q69 The first Igbo epic, Omenuko, was written by

Q70 The first name of Oyeyemi, the writer of Icarius Girl, is

Q71 The Forest of a Thousand Demons was translated into English from its Yoruba version by

Q72 The Forest of a Thousand Demons was written by

Q73 The Icarius Girl by Oyeyemi treats the story of twins, as rooted in __culture

Q74 The major political party in the struggle for South African independence was

Q75 The Last Duty was written to depict the situation during the civil war in

Q76 Aminatu Sow Fall is a female novelist who wrote -------

Q77 Chief Nanga is a character in ------

Q78 Dedan Kimathi is mentioned in which of these novels: --------

Q79 The medicine man in The Concubine in------

Q80 Driss Chraibui debut novel is titled -------

Q81 In The Concubine, the name of the priest of Amadioha, the god of thunder and of the skies, is -------

Q82 Houseboy is a novel written by-------

Q83 In The Joys of Motherhood, Nnaife's profession was that of a -------

Q84 Toundi and Fr. Gilbert are charaters in the novel--------

Q85 John Makuchi is a writer from ------

Q86 Literature in former English colonies is known as ------

Q87 A counntry popular for writing prose in Swahili Language is -------

Q88 Madume and Emenike are characters in Elechi Amadi's -------

Q89 Oral Literature is found mostly in -------

Q90 Osaro, Omoifo and Patric are --------'s friends in Iyayi's Violence

Q91 One of these novels was written by Wole Soyinka?

Q92 Meja Mwangi's Kill Me Quick is set in postcolonial-------

Q93 One significant group that fought against the British in Kenya which Ngugi treated so robustly in his novels is -------

Q94 One topic prevalent in South African novel before the 1990s is -----

Q95 Ousmane Sembene hails from -----

Q96 People of the City was written by ------

Q97 Postcolonial novels are mostly concerned with ------

Q98 Ramatoulaye is an African woman created in ------

Q99 Nnu Ego is the the oppressed female character in -------

Q100 The Simple Past is a novel written by ------

Q101 The strength of Berber Literature lies in its intense ------

Q102 The village setting in Elechi Amadi's The Concubine was called ------

Q103 This novel gave an accurate picture of the slave trade experiences

Q104 War novels in Nigeria about the Nigerian civil war does not include one of these: -----

Q105 Which of these is a collection of short stories: ------

Q106 Which of these is an autobiography: ------

Q107 Which of these novels contains a distorted picture of the African society: ------

Q108 Which of these novels has militarism as one of its themes: ------

Q109 Which of these novels treated racism: ------

Q110 Which of these writer presents feminist inclination in their works ---------

Q111 Which of these titles is a short story: ------

Q112 Coruption and rot in Ghana is presented by ------in his novel

Q113 Which of these writers won the Caine Prize for short stories: ------

Q114 Who among these is a Diaspora novelist: ------

Q115 Who among these is a South African writer: ------

Q116 Who among these writers first wrote a novel in Yoruba language: -------

Q117 Who among these writers is female: -----

Q118 Xala is a novel by ------

Q119 Mariama Ba believes that independence is the key to a woman’s happiness in her novel,

Q120 Negritude started in a -------- country

Q121 Xala is a novel that presents post-colonial experience ----Africa

Q122 One common theme in the Last Duty and Burma Boy is ------

Q123 One founding father of Negritude who was also a president was ------

Q124 One important style used by Amos Tutuola in The Palmwine Drinkard is ------

Q125 One major problem of African fiction is ------

Q126 One of these is a new voice in African novel: -------

Q127 One of these is a novelist from Nigeria ----------

Q128 One of these is a writer from Tanzania: -----------

Q129 One of these is not a function of the African novel -----

Q130 The Interpreters is a novel written by -------

Q131 The Joys of Motherhood was written by --------

Q132 The major issue in Kenya’s novels is -------

Q133 The novel, Abiku, lampoons -------- rule in Nigeria

Q134 The novel, One Man One Matchet was written by -------

Q135 The novel, Forty Guns for the General, was written by ------

Q136 The odds of Militarism within the global perspective is effectively depicted in which of these novels: -------

Q137 The Palmwine Drinkard was written in -------

Q138 The Poor Christ of Bomba was written by Mongo Beti who is a -----

Q139 The radical female character in So Long A Letter is -------

Q140 Survive the Peace was authored by --------

Q141 Tell Freedom is a novel by -------

Q142 The author of the African Child is ---------

Q143 The author of the Beautyful Ones Are Not Yet Born is -------

Q144 The author of Yellow Yellow is -------

Q145 The first black to win the Nobel Prize for Literature is -------

Q146 The first Noma Award for Publishing in Africa was awarded to the novel, --------

Q147 The following are Marxist novels except -------

Q148 The hero of Mine Boy is -------

Q149 The hero of Things Fall Apart is ------

Q150 The Houseboy was written by -------