ENG251 List of eExam Questions in the Bank

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Q1 varieties of a language are the varieties used by speakers who are far away from the original home of the language.

Q2 , according to Ferguson (1959), refers to the circumstance where each language in a bilingual society is systematically employed in certain domains and events.

Q3 implies whether or not the basic grammar and lexicon of a language are derived from the same pre-stages of the language.

Q4 can be seen as the physical representation, usually in utterances of any type, of the human linguistic ability (Chomsky, 1965).

Q5 indicates whether the language has grown or grew through use by some ethnic or social group.

Q6 is a form of writing that originated from drawing or inscriptions scratched on an ancient wall.

Q7 is an intra-sentential phenomenon which has to do with the use of two or more language codes within a sentence.

Q8 means that a language has a living community of native speakers.

Q9 refers to the use of two languages simultaneously or interchangeably in a communication event.

Q10 __, according to the Wikipedia Dictionary, is a system of signals including voice sounds, gestures or written symbols which encodes and decodes information.

Q11 describes the belief that groups of people are bound together by territorial, cultural and (sometimes) ethnic links.

Q12 refers to the conscious knowledge of a second language, knowing the rules, being aware of them, and being able to talk about them.

Q13 is the process whereby an entire speech community moves to speaking another language entirely.

Q14 __deal with how speakers in a particular language community organize their social relationships in language use.

Q15 __is a new language without original native speakers but which develops in situations where speakers of different languages need to communicate yet do not share a common language.

Q16 simply refers to the ability to speak more than two languages or simply proficiency in many languages.

Q17 A variety of a language is the variety that is used by the original speakers of the language.

Q18 A variety of language that reflects features of speech pronunciation peculiar to people from the same region _.

Q19 A variety of speech peculiar to people of the same profession is _.

Q20 A(n) is a language dialect unique to a household.

Q21 An state, like Nigeria, is typically and logistically heterogeneous due to large number of non-standardised indigenous languages.

Q22 Dialects are often defined as language variety according to _.

Q23 In modern communication, through the use of cell phones, SMS message ‘ur’ is an abbreviation for .

Q24 Language death or language extinction may manifest itself in sudden language death also called .

Q25 Language is uniquely an endeavour constructed by the specie.

Q26 Language is used for communication when it performs a social function.

Q27 Linguistic is the dominance asserted and maintained by the establishment and continuous reconstruction of structural and cultural inequalities between a language and other languages.

Q28 Provide the linguistic interpretation for the following SMS text message 'Gd9t' __.

Q29 Provide the linguistic interpretation for the following SMS text message ‘C’ __.

Q30 Provide the linguistic interpretation for the following SMS text message 'b4' .

Q31 Referential function refers to the of language use.

Q32 The of discourse is the channel or medium of communication.

Q33 The of discourse is the channel or medium of communication.

Q34 The of a discourse refers to what the text is all about, what is happening or the subject matter of the discourse.

Q35 The of discourse refers to the people taking part and the relationship between them.

Q36 The knowledge is the knowledge of how people behave in particular situations and the roles people assume as a consequence.

Q37 The knowledge refers to the knowledge gained from the other texts, including the knowledge of intra- and inter-textual contexts.

Q38 The knowledge refers to the knowledge of the culture prevalent within the society gained by means of direct experience by the speakers.

Q39 The approach to communication study is a perspective which seeks to establish the study of communication in its wider social and cultural index.

Q40 The abbreviation SMS in technology mediated language means __.

Q41 The attempt to study language above the sentence, clause or using such linguistic units like conversational exchanges and written texts is generally termed as _.

Q42 The first Europeans who traded pepper and slaves from the Nigerian coastal areas were the .

Q43 The full meaning of the term ‘e-mail’ used in internet messaging is .

Q44 The incorporation, within a single word, the information one would have found spread out amongst several words is called __.

Q45 The most basic function of language that readily comes to the mind of every one is the function.

Q46 The new ways of communicating, using technological media, differ mostly from the conventional speech communication.

Q47 The particular variety of a language given more prominence, prestige, and found where the most educated dwell consciously becomes the variety.

Q48 The study of human language from the point of view of its impact on social life in a given society is .

Q49 The study of style in writing with a focus on the shape of the language on the writtten page is called .

Q50 The term is used to mean where an affix is added to the root to the extent that they both become fused.

Q51 The term __is used to mean the deliberate disregard for norms for creative and artistic purposes without breaking the grammatical rules of the language.

Q52 The term ‘CMC’ in the modern technological world is used to mean _.

Q53 The two important notions in stylistics are and __.

Q54 The variety of language peculiar to an individual is __.

Q55 There are three major channels of communication: speech, writing and __.

Q56 Variety classification of a language according to geographical location region is called __.

Q57 Variety of a language peculiar to people of a social group, age or sex is .

Q58 Variety that is determined by ‘use’, rather than the user is referred to as _.

Q59 When an individual in a community possesses two languages, s/he is described as a __.

Q60 When language is given legal status by reinforcing its role and status in the society, it has linguistic _.

Q61 A(n) ____________ language is an older variety of language enshrined in the great works of literature as Latin.

Q62 A(n) ____________ language is the language that is chosen in order to achieve the goal of nationalism.

Q63 A(n)_____________ language lacks an first language communicators and is created for global purposes with highly codified norms of usage.

Q64 A(n)______________ language is the language that is chosen in order to archive the goal of nationalism.

Q65 According to Wikipedia Dictionary, language is

Q66 An approach based on a detailed study, which reflects the patterns of custom and communication of culture being studied is called_______________ .

Q67 An indication of an episode or event in a narrative or drama that is yet to take place in Stylistics is called

Q68 An situation in which communication takes place is a _______________.

Q69 Before the advent of technology, conventionally, communication was mostly done through________________.

Q70 Context as a factor in language use does not mean

Q71 Dialect is_________________.

Q72 Email refers to

Q73 In internet communication, the abbreviation HTML Stands for

Q74 In Krashen (1981), the non technical language for language acquisition is ___________ a language.

Q75 In recent Nigeria telephoning system, the term GSM stands for

Q76 In some linguistically heterogeneous coastal states like Delta and Rivers, Pidgin English is commonly used as a ______________.

Q77 In the Yoruba language, someone’s brother is someone who is

Q78 Information, non-standard words or phrases which tend to originate in sub-cultures within the society are called ___________

Q79 Language contact may result in one of the following

Q80 Language is not just

Q81 Language is used to maintain relationship between

Q82 Language use is situated within a group of

Q83 Linguistically heterogeneous societies, with large numbers of non-standard indigenous languages, are_______________ states.

Q84 MMS in mobile telephone stands for ______________.

Q85 Nowadays, ______________ is used to refer to any spontaneous and unauthorized writing or drawing on walls, vehicles etc

Q86 One of these is not a task in language planning agencies: To

Q87 Sociology share something in common with ____________ when it studies the myth and institutions of primitive people

Q88 The _______________ language death is a process in which a language is being lost as a result of the speakers abandonment of such a language.

Q89 The _________________ context in language use refers to the general rules of behaviour the users obey and the background knowledge shared by the users.

Q90 The first missionary station in Nigeria was established in _________.

Q91 The language policy of Nigeria has adopted English as a____________.

Q92 The native-like control of two languages is _____________.

Q93 The only thing that accounts for the difference in language is the fact that __________________ world differs, hence their view, which is expressed in language, must equally differ.

Q94 The origin of linguistic imperialism is

Q95 The process by which a variety of language becomes a standard variety is termed as______________.

Q96 The register variable that refers to the people taking part and the relationship between them is __________ of discourse.

Q97 The Sapir-Whorf theory is basically on the connection between language and ___________.

Q98 The social function of language is also referred to as

Q99 The sociolinguistic term used to refer to casual varieties which are used spontaneously rather than self-consciously is

Q100 The study of language from the perspective of its vocabulary is

Q101 The term that has come to mean inflated, vague, meaningless language of any kind is_____________.

Q102 The term used for classification of dialect according to geographical location is ____________.

Q103 The transfer of elements from one's native language into another is _____________.

Q104 The utterance, 'You suppose to know the truth’, by a Nigerian English bilingual is an example of

Q105 The variety of language peculiar to an individual’s speech is a(n)

Q106 The variety of language that has group of native speakers is a(n)_________.

Q107 What term is term is used for a language dialect?

Q108 When an affix is added to the root to the extent that both become fused, it is referred to as ______________.

Q109 When sociolinguists discuss our behaviour as social beings, this has to with

Q110 When sociolinguists make reference to the study of the human mind, they are referring to

Q111 Where the basic grammar and lexicon of a language are derived from the same pre-stages of the language, it has _____________.

Q112 Which of the factors does not influence the planning of language in a community?

Q113 Which of the following is not a function of code switching

Q114 Which of these are register variables?

Q115 Which of these is not a feature of a standard variety of language?

Q116 Which of these is not a function of language

Q117 Which of these is not a hypothesis in Krashen’s theory of second language (L2) acquisition?

Q118 Which of these is not a variety of language?

Q119 Which of this is not a factor or an influence in language?

Q120 WWW in computer technology means