ENG226 List of eExam Questions in the Bank

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Q1 The part of speech that is mandatory in an English sentence is the .

Q2 The words congregation, academics, audience, and staff are all examples of nouns in English.

Q3 The content words in an English sentence are usually said to be morphemes.

Q4 How many bound morphemes are in the word 'independently' _?

Q5 He was served dinner when it was exactly 6pm. This is an example of a sentence.

Q6 How many inflectional morphemes are in the word 'teachers' __?

Q7 In the sentence 'Musa found the book under the table' the preposition group is .

Q8 The adjectival group in the sentence 'The Dean of the school was very happy' is .

Q9 The nominal group of an English sentence is usually headed by a .

Q10 In the sentence 'SUSAN SERVED PETER A CUP OF COFFEE' the complement of the object 'PETER' is __.

Q11 Pronouns auxiliaries conjunctions prepositions determiners and particles are also known as __.

Q12 An ordered and externalized lexicon is known as the .

Q13 The following words 'scene/seen', 'male/mail', 'sail/sale' are known in English lexicon as __.

Q14 A phonological rule that provides the phonetic information necessary for the pronunciation of words is called a .

Q15 The study of the ways in which certain morphemes are pronounced or articulated is called .

Q16 That is my book'. The word that in the sentence is a __.

Q17 The following expressions 'take in', 'hang out', 'laugh off' are all examples of lexical items in English.

Q18 The expression 'one-on-one can' be described as a lexical item in English.

Q19 __studies and analyses the meaning and origin of vocabulary items of a language

Q20 The superlative form of the word 'graciously' is .

Q21 The politician argued angrily over the issue being discussed'. The adverb of manner in the sentence is the word __.

Q22 He defeated the wrestler easily'. The adjective that has been modified and used in the sentence is the word .

Q23 The windows at the back of the house are dirty'. The word 'dirty' in the sentence is adjective.

Q24 The Study Centre Director gave a thought-provoking speech this morning'. The word 'thought-provoking' is adjective.

Q25 verbs reflect or indicate the mood of the speaker in a sentence.

Q26 It is interesting to know that James and Sylvester are siblings'. The conjunction in this sentence is called a _.

Q27 Someone', 'nobody', 'anything', 'anybody', 'everybody', 'many', 'either', 'neither', are all examples of _pronouns.

Q28 In a sentence the person or thing referred to or spoken about is called the _.

Q29 Pronouns can be used to avoid unnecessary of nouns in a sentence.

Q30 The superlative form of the word' handsome' is .

Q31 I am too weak physically to make the trip'. The adverb of degree in this sentence is the word __.

Q32 Which of the following may not be regarded as a regular verb in English' talk','swim', 'vote', 'swallow'?

Q33 to dance' is the _form of the main verb in the sentence 'I want to dance now'.

Q34 All __are capable of going through the six forms of a verb.

Q35 The _is mandatory in an English sentence.

Q36 The words 'juvenile delinquency', 'hatred', 'gratitude', and 'truancy' are all examples of __nouns.

Q37 The words 'congregation', 'academics', 'audience', and 'staff' are all examples of nouns in English.

Q38 If the word ungrammatical is divided into free and bound morphemes we would have something like this __.

Q39 The content words in an English sentence are usually said to be _morphemes.

Q40 How many bound morphemes are in the word INDEPENDENTLY _?

Q41 He was served dinner when it was exactly 6pm.' This is an example of a _sentence.

Q42 We make use of to join or connect the various clauses in a compound-complex sentence.

Q43 A sentence which contains two or more independent clauses and two or more dependent clauses is called a sentence.

Q44 You dont speak English __is regarded as a tag question.

Q45 Functionally, the sentence I don't like rude people is a one.

Q46 How many inflectional morphemes are in the word TEACHERS __?

Q47 The adjectival group in the sentence The Dean of the school was very happy is __.

Q48 The nominal group of an English sentence is usually headed by a __.

Q49 In the sentence 'SUSAN SERVED PETER A CUP OF COFFEE' the complement of the object 'PETER' is __.

Q50 Which of the following words is a preposition BEAUTIFULLY, ABOVE HAPPY, WHEN ?

Q51 The suffix in the word UNEDUCATED is _.

Q52 The base of the word DISESTABLISHMENT is _.

Q53 The root of the word ENCOURAGEMENT is _.

Q54 In the word exploration the derivational morpheme is .

Q55 In the word boys the s is a marker and is also called additive morpheme.

Q56 Unlike derivational morphemes, cannot change the word class of a word.

Q57 The following expressions 'ment' 'en' 'ing' 'ed' 'ness' 'ful' and 'mis' are examples of .

Q58 _is a word that describes, qualifies or tells us more about a noun or pronoun.

Q59 A _is that part of a sentence which indicates an action or a state of being of the subject.

Q60 A morpheme generates or creates new words by either changing the class of word or forming new words.

Q61 The suffix in the word 'uneducated' is…..

Q62 The base of the word 'disestablishment' is…….

Q63 The root of the word 'encouragement'is----

Q64 A derivational morpheme generates or creates new words by either changing the class of a word or----

Q65 indicates tense, number and comparison in English grammar

Q66 can change the class of a word.

Q67 can be called grammatical indicators

Q68 These suffixes ment, en, ing, ed, ness, ful, mis are examples of……..

Q69 A---------- morpheme cannot stand or occur as an independent word in a sentence

Q70 Most------------morphemes are content or lexical word.s

Q71 The name given to a sentence which contains three or more independent clauses that are linked by a coordinating conjunction is---

Q72 What is the basic unit of the vocabulary of a language?

Q73 The capitalised letter in bookS is pronounced as……

Q74 Breaking up words into their component parts refers to….

Q75 Which of these provides a complete list of words in a language?

Q76 Parts of speech also refers to…..

Q77 A free morpheme could also be called……..

Q78 A sentence which contains at least one independent clause and at least one dependent clause is called

Q79 Which word class modifies a verb?

Q80 Which of these consonant sounds is voiced?

Q81 An affix which has two parts, so that the first half occurs before the root of a word, while the second half occurs after the root is termed……

Q82 What is the change in the function of a word called?

Q83 Functional shift also refers to

Q84 If an element or elements are taken from the end of a name, the process involved is called-------

Q85 A full verb is also a……..

Q86 The smallest meaningful unit of language is

Q87 If a sentence asks a question it is……

Q88 Words which become meaningful only when they are attached to or used with content words in discourse are called……

Q89 The process or taking words from one or more languages to fit into the vocabulary of another is called……

Q90 What is an affix which is marked over the syllables that form part of a root

Q91 The capitalised letters in bossES is realized as………

Q92 A noun that is the name of a particular thing or person is

Q93 One of these is a type of sentence based on structure……

Q94 Brunch is an example of……

Q95 Back forms are derived from one of these types of nouns…

Q96 A pronoun is used to avoid………

Q97 Words created from the initial letters of a set of other words are called…

Q98 The compounding of identical or slightly different morphemes means….

Q99 A word whose meaning can be determined from its parts is said to be……

Q100 An externalized lexicon is also known as a-------

Q101 Which of these sounds is a voiceless speech sound?

Q102 A group of words that has a verb and may or may not make sense is also known as---

Q103 Lexicon also means-----

Q104 Which of these indicates case?

Q105 Which of these is a morphological process of creating new words to name previously non-existent objects or phenomena that result from cultural contact?

Q106 In Transformational Generative Grammar another name for the word - group is

Q107 A morphological process in which two or more words are put together to act as a single lexical word with a distinct meaning is called--

Q108 Another term for a dependent clause is------

Q109 A situation where both the prefix and suffix are simultaneously employed to express one meaning called……

Q110 A word created by using the morphemes of a recipient language to represent all the senses in a donor language is known as a-----

Q111 The branch of linguistics concerned with the study of word forms is called-------

Q112 Words with the same spellings as well as the same pronunciation but different meanings are called--------

Q113 The study of lexis is equivalent to the study of-----

Q114 The role of morphology in syntax is to mark ------

Q115 The capitalised letters in stoppED are pronounced as

Q116 All the words of a language refers to its--------

Q117 BE HAVE and DO are examples of -------

Q118 A sentence that contains at least two independent clauses which are linked by a coordinating conjunction is called a--------

Q119 Which of these can generate new words in English ? ---------

Q120 What is the morphological process of attaching an element to the root or base of a word?