ENG221 List of eExam Questions in the Bank

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Q1 Structural Grammar makes exactness a methodological requirements and insists that all definitions be verifiable or refutable publicly; so it is __.

Q2 Conjoining and embedding exemplify transformations.

Q3 A complex sentence contains at least surbodinate clause.

Q4 A compound sentence contains at least main clauses.

Q5 What modifies a noun __?

Q6 What is the process of linking elements together by placng them in sequence to form strings __?

Q7 Modern grammatical studies emphasize accuracy.

Q8 Boy, go, good' belong to class.

Q9 A, an, the' belong to class.

Q10 The class of linguistic items grammatically acceptable in each slot is called __.

Q11 A word that joins other parts of speech is a __.

Q12 The “commonness” between traditional and structural grammar is in approach to language.

Q13 Which kind of sentence contains two or more main clauses __?

Q14 Words that are opposite in meaning are called .

Q15 What term is used for rule of subject and finite verb agreement _?

Q16 Insistence on correctness, linguistic purism, literary excellence, use of Latin models and priority of written over spoken language are qualities of grammar.

Q17 The idea that sentences are constructed from groups of words often paired rather than from single words added one on to the next shows a approach to syntactic analysis.

Q18 The “Morpheme-to-Utterance” Approach to syntactic analysis is also called _.

Q19 The rules by which syntactic units are converted into sound units are contained in the component.

Q20 The lexicon also refers to the _.

Q21 The smallest meaningful unit of grammatical description is __.

Q22 The minimum unit of the grammatical hierarchy in Tagmemic Theory is _.

Q23 The phonemic principle originated from __.

Q24 Multiple meaning also refers to __.

Q25 The right facing arrow → means in syntactic analysis.

Q26 A set of simple, declarative, active sentences is called __sentences.

Q27 The equivalence of parole in Chomskyan notion is _.

Q28 When one moves within one level of analysis up or down in a description, one is said to be moving up or down the _.

Q29 The theory that propounds the idea that utterances can be analysed simultaneously according to three hierarchies is called .

Q30 The linguist that built his work on J. R. Firth's linguistic postulations is .

Q31 Immediate Constituent Analysis could be called the base of grammatical model.

Q32 Immediate Constituent Analysis test frame easily reveals the English speakers linguistic .

Q33 The first major constituent division of a simple sentence in Immediate Constituent Analysis related to Traditional Grammar is _.

Q34 A major strength of the transformational generative grammar is its thrust.

Q35 Structural Grammar could be said to be the first major step towards the study of language.

Q36 The Phrase Structure Grammar is the level linguistic exposition of TGG by Noam Chomsky.

Q37 Phrase Structure Grammar could be classified as essentially about a series of __.

Q38 A sentence containing only one main clause is a _.

Q39 The omitted subject in an imperative sentence is .

Q40 A sentence that states a fact is _.

Q41 The level of structure concerned with the speech sounds of a language is __.

Q42 A(n) clause modifies a verb.

Q43 Noun clause is a clause.

Q44 Flying planes can be dangerous' is ?

Q45 Him' and 'hymn' are __.

Q46 There is an improvement in the educational sector' is a(n) sentence.

Q47 The snake was killed' is in the voice.

Q48 She goes to the market everyday.' 'Goes' is a verb.

Q49 Comparative form of adjective is used for what number of entity ?

Q50 The superlative form of 'ugly' is

Q51 The comparative of 'busy' is __.

Q52 The comparative form of 'good' is .

Q53 The comparative form of 'cute' is _.

Q54 The plural of 'portmanteau' is __.

Q55 The plural for of 'acquarium' is _.

Q56 The singular form of 'phenomena' is __.

Q57 The plural form of 'deer' is __.

Q58 The past participle of 'drive' is __.

Q59 The past participle of 'run' is .

Q60 The past tense of 'burst' is _.

Q61 /t,d,f,v/ are ---- in English.

Q62 Disinterestedness' contains ---- morphemes.

Q63 Disjointed' contains how many morphemes?

Q64 In 'disjointed', 'dis' is a:

Q65 The plural morpheme in 'houses' is a:

Q66 In English grammar, the concept of stagmatic relationship entails:

Q67 One of these is not necessary in parsing nouns.

Q68 Which part of speech cannot be parsed in relation to the part it plays in sentence building?

Q69 The definition of a “noun” as a subject to a verb is an example of ----definition.

Q70 Everything deducible of a language from examining the memories of the language users according to Saussure is:

Q71 Chomsky provides a similar idea in principle to Saussure in terms called:

Q72 Structualist approach to grammar has a demerit in:

Q73 The actual, concrete act of speaking on the part of an individual according to Saussure is:

Q74 One employs the ---- approach to syntactic analysis when one establishes classes of units at a certain level so that their occurrence with respect to each other may be specified.

Q75 The “Morpheme-to-Utterance” Approach to syntactic analysis is also called:

Q76 The minimum unit of the grammatical hierarchy in Tagmemic Theory is:

Q77 For the phonological hierarchy of an utterance, the minimum unit is:

Q78 Rank, delicacy, and exponence are:

Q79 The link between grammar and lexis is:

Q80 The phonemic principle originated from:

Q81 Structural linguistics analyses language in line with ---- form.

Q82 The ability of the grammar of a language to devise rules which project from finite observed materials to an infinite set of sentences is known as ---- power.

Q83 What makes an assertion or indicates action or being?

Q84 A(n)---- modifies a noun.

Q85 A word that joins other parts of speech is a:

Q86 What is the process of linking elements together by placng them in sequence to form strings?

Q87 An ordered arrangements of parts is called:

Q88 A(n) ---- modifies an adjective.

Q89 Nouns and verbs belong to ----.

Q90 Articles belong to ---- class.

Q91 The class of word that is limited in number and its membership changes only very slowly is:

Q92 If a word is defined based on our understanding of the relationship of the word to the actual, real-world phenomena represented by the word, such a definition is:

Q93 Sentences that sound correct to the native speaker are:

Q94 The smallest meaningful unit of grammatical description is:

Q95 The lexicon also refers to the:

Q96 The study of speech sounds of a language with the speech pattern scientifically done is:

Q97 What studies the internal structure of words?

Q98 The meaningful organization of words into units of larger units and the analysis of such units is the concern of:

Q99 The knowledge of areas of language study to describe and ultimately explain the knowledge speakers have which allows them to produce and understand their language is called:

Q100 The English phonological system contains ---- speech sounds.

Q101 The rules by which syntactic units are converted into sound units are contained in the ---- component.

Q102 The ---- component determines the meanings of words and sentences.

Q103 Two kinds of information the lexicon should provide are:

Q104 In Generative Grammar the ---- is used to refer to the “component” containing all the information about the structural properties of the lexical items in a language.

Q105 Which of these is not one of the levels of language structure?

Q106 The class of linguistic items grammatically acceptable in each slot is called:

Q107 Which of these sentence formulas applies to “students are serious”?

Q108 Systemic Grammar was developed by:

Q109 The type of sentence used in making request or command is:

Q110 Which of the following terms is used for words with different pronunciations but with supposedly similar meaning?

Q111 Jump' is a:

Q112 That boy wept' is a:

Q113 What a beautiful day!' is:

Q114 She slept because she was tired' is a:

Q115 Thing are getting better' is a(n) ---- sentence.

Q116 The relationship between 'plane' and 'plain' is that of:

Q117 The relation of inclusion is called:

Q118 When meaning is viewed from its strict dictionary definition it is said to be:

Q119 The relationships between words and things is the relationship of:

Q120 The idea on which traditional grammar was founded was that the word was the basic unit of: